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A Choson Must Participate – Gaza War a ‘Milchemes Mitzvah’

In his publicized halachic opinion, the rabbi speaks from a place of understanding, first-hand knowledge of the serious consequences that may result in his ruling, that even a choson, a bridegroom in his first year of marriage, must join the fighting forces in Gaza, for the Gaza War is a compulsory war, one which does not permit the luxury of sitting back on the sidelines, perhaps waiting for others to take the place of the bridegroom.

The painful yet exacting words were released by Rav Ze’ev Karov on Tuesday.

We merited bringing our son to the chupah last Thursday. The following morning, he was recalled to the army, to command his troops and lead them into Gaza. He responded with the determination, well-aware of his responsibility and the mission at hand.

I hear the criticism and even the anger, those who question the decision and ask can’t they manage without him? Aren’t there others? Mustn’t he remain home to be at his bride’s side?

In a ‘milchemes mitzvah’, everyone is compelled to take part, including a choson. The chachamim (sages) teach us a powerful yet potent lesson, one that places priorities in order. Even a bride and bridegroom do not take priority over a compulsory war, teaching us that the young couple draws its strength from the community, as is recited in the bracha under the chupah, “Mevorech Amo Yisrael al Yidei Chupah V’Kidushin. We do not say ‘Mevorech Choson V’chalah’. The couple’s new private union is only valid as part of the greater family, Am Yisrael, the tzibur.

We do not place the building of the new home ‘on hold’ but the choson emerges and joins the tzibur, working immediately on this lofty plain to begin building on a much higher level. There are those who would say the opposite is true and we do not compel the choson to join in, but we deter him from doing so, perhaps even pushing off the compulsory war based on our concerns to protect him. Baruch Hashem, this is not the case and we see the overwhelming numbers are behind the operation, the IDF, understanding that while painful and costly, the Gaza War is indeed necessary.

It is also a moral lesson, a lesson the torah teaches us, that our individual lives must contribute while drawing strength from the community, from the tzibur, the klal.

May it be Hashem’s will that he protects our soldiers wherever they may be and may we merit hearing good tidings.

These are the words of Rav Karov, who son, a 2nd-lt. in the paratroopers, was gravely injured by a Hamas bomb less than two weeks after his wedding. Aaron and Tzvia are still together, but Aaron is now in another battle, fighting for his life, to overcome his extensive injuries.

The public is urged to continue davening for Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana as well as all the wounded soldiers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

27 Responses

  1. And who appointed this rav as gadol hador that he can issue such a psak?

    I have yet to hear one of the Gedolim say such a thing. Lehefech Ive heard them say that we are not in any kind of matzav and no one has any authority to declare a milchemes mitzvah.

  2. He may be right. However, I don’t believe that it is within his right to declare for the rov am that this is a milchemes mitzvah. That is for the gedolim to declare.

    Perhaps he was just commenting to reporters what his personal opinion (as a Rav) is.

  3. Chosson and Kallah, the week of their Sheva Brochos need shmirah (protection) just like the week before their wedding. This is a shmirah from the chitzonim who are out to harm “special” people. As we see in every day life; a president, a king, high officials need more protection since many are after them.

    Another question:
    I read in Arutz-7: “The traditional seven-days of wedding festivities was conducted in Kedumim without the groom’s presence.” Isn’t it a bracha levatala to say the sheva brochos without the groom’s presence?

  4. with all due respect, I think this rabbi should review the sugya of milchemes mitzva. milchemes mitzva is a war started by a halachic jewish king & the sanhedrin, not by mechalay shabbos.

  5. Baruch Hashem we have our gedolim (going back to Harav Elchonon HY”D)that we live our lives according to, that state that we are still in golus and though we are in Ikvisa D’Mishicha there is no such thing as a Milchemes mitzvah today! May Hashem bless those who are moser nefesh to save yiddishe people living in Eretz Yisroel and give him a Refuah Shlaima with Moshiach Bekarov!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reb Yakov Kaminetsky said during the time of Rav Hutner’s highjacking that the Milchamas Mitzvah began in ’48 and will end with the arrival of the Mashiach.

  7. Bar26-

    you are correct. that is why they didn’t say any brochas they only had festivities. thank you for criticizing a segment of klal yisroel who rely on true gedolim

  8. A father is sitting in a hospital watching and davening for his recovery and all you guys can think of is that he isn’t a “real” gadol b’yisroel? What more gadlus is there than to be matzdik es hadin and have bitochon and emunah in Hashem through all the travails that have occured in his family? His son has exhibited mesiras nefesh to protect klal yisroel and we see negative comments? How about using your power of dibur that Hashem gave to bnei yisroel and davening for his refuah sheleima b’korov mamish?

  9. So why are all those people in yeshiva being
    bitul the mitsvah of killing the Arabs? When it is a milchemes mitzvah, you will see the gedolim take command (or at least see all the good yeshivos turn into hesder units). We should learn from the actions of the gedolim, especially as their speech may be coerced by the government in Eretz Yisrael.

  10. I have to echo #10 words.

    ARe we so frum that we can’t have rachmanus on a frum soldier who is fighting for his life.

    As soon as I heard this story I ran to say a tefilla for this brave soldier whilst some of you ran to pour scorn on his father – Ribona shel olam what has happened to achdus and care for our fellow yid.

    The sugya is not so clear cut I suugest you look up waht Harav Zevin wrote about the issue clearly stating that it was a Milchemet Mitzva – eilu veilo devrei elokim hayim lets just respect both views.

  11. with all do respect i dont understand whats wrong? harav karov is the rav of the chatan and he gave the pesak. when have we ever seen a gadol give a pesak over ruling the local rabbi? its a well now story of the gra that almost ate meat against his own pesak becasue the volushin rav said it was kosher but mishamayim it got burnt.
    #2 check out the ra”n in his derashot dirush 11

  12. This Rabbi does not have a right to declare a “Milchemes Mitzvah” all by himself, without securing the consensus of today’s recognized Gedolei HaTorah–Like Rav Steinman and Rav Eliashiv, SHLITA”

  13. theprof1 and kizmo – I think you are misinterpreting what people are saying. I don’t think anybody is angry at the father or the son (may he have a refuah shelama bimheira viyameinu).

    However, I think the point that most of us are trying to make is that it is one thing to poskin for your family or your kahila, it is another to make a public statement implying that you are paskining for the klal. That needs to be left for the Gedolim to state, not your average Rav.

    None-the-less, it may be that the media misrepresented the father/Rav implying that he was declaring a psak as opposed to explaining why his son went out to Milchama after his wedding.

    Refuah Shelaima to Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana! May his family yet see more nachas from him!


    (Just to emphasis meshkenos’s statement)

    The chosson’s name is


    please add the name “Aharon” which is mistakenly left out in this article.

  15. 1) Why do people have to be negative at a time like this ? Can’t we all for once respect a p’sak (whether you hold of that Rov or not) ?
    2) While some may argue that only Reb Eliyashiv can declare the war as a melchamas mitzvah this is the one that you see as the godol hador and it is who you follow. Are sefardim over aveyos because they listen to Rav Ovadya Yosef who has different opinions than Reb Eliyahsiv ? Do you ask every shayla that you have to Reb Eliyashiv or you ask your local rov ? My rov has told me to do things that Reb Eliyashiv says otherwise and I do it because he is my rov (both lechura and lekula). In this case the rov was his father. He asked a shayla and got a psak. Are we going to start playing here my rov is better than yours ? How many people here spitting out halochos why the rov was wrong has smicha ?

    I am not for or against this rav’s psak but people need to learn to grow up.

  16. rabbiofberlin and BuzBuz – I think you two are not reading what people are writing here. PLEASE reread our statements.

    The point is – Know your place! Paskin for your congregants, fine. Deciding Halacha for ALL of Klal Yisrael, not unless you are one of the Gedolim (Sefardi, Ashkenazi, or Chassidish Gadol)!

    Point 2 – from what I’ve seen in the interviewS with the father/Rav, he doesn’t appear to have been trying to push his personal psak on the klal, rather just stating that that is the psak that he gave his son. (NO-ONE IS SAYING HIS PSAK IS WRONG; at least most of us anyways.)

    BTW – If this would have been a public psak of Rav Ovadya Yosef, shlita (may he recover quickly) I don’t believe that anyone of us would have commented. Rav Ovadya, shlita is one of the Gedolim!

    !!!!STOP trying to twist words into Machloket and Sinat Chinam!!!!

    The problem that ALL OF US have right now is that a PUBLIC PSAK has not been given yet by any of the Gedolim, at least as far as I am presently aware of. It is not our place to start quoting sources and/or maasim of gedolim from previous dorot to prove our believes. We have to hear what our gedolim(poskim) of our generation say.

    Who are we to tell each other what to do in life threatening decisions?! Leave Psak to the Poskei HaDor!

    Please daven for our soldiers and for klal yisrael in general!

    – Resident of Israel (and not Berlin)

  17. I find it remarkable that with yeshiva’s filled to capacity and Torah learning at a generation high, that so many (except for a few comments I noticed), have any concept of the power of giving a psak.

    Gedolim? You only listen to the psak of the Gedolim? What is the halacha if Hagoan Hatzadik Harav Elyashav Shlit”a pakins that a certain thing assur and 300 “minor” Rabonnim (with 100% valid smicha) paskim that it is mutur? True 300 is a large number, how about just 3 against his psak, what is the halacha? Simple answer, YOU MUST FOLLOW THE RABBIM, majority rules in halacha.

    Every single Rabbi that has an “approved orthodox” smicha has the exact same….I repeat EXACT SAME halachic authority as any “Gadol Hador”. Which is why even when Hagoan Hatzadik Harav Moshe Feinstein, Zecher Tzadik Lebracha, had made a psak about certain issues, others determined otherwise. Case in point…How many of you use “Shabbos Clocks”? Probably 99.9% of you. Well, Hagoan Hatzadik Harav Moshe Feinstein, Zecher Tzadik Lebracha, made a psak that it is assur to use. I don’t think anybody would argue that he was the Gadol Hador in all halachic issues, so why would anyone dare use a “Shabbos Clock”?

    Simply, because the Torah has given the authority to every single Rav to make a psak that is every bit as enforceable as any other Rav, even the “Gadol Hador” (which is a title we give to someone considered at the highest level, not that he is the overriding word of halacha).

    Hashem yirachem al kol Klal Yisroel afilu h’tipush, cheresh, shotah v’katan.

  18. number 23: my full name is unimportant & I don’t need qualifications to quote Chaza”l. As for my reasoning, I think I stated them very clearly in comment number 5. for more info see the sugya in Sanhedrin.

  19. Number 23, your name is Yaakov, more than that is not necessary. From your words your portray Ahavas Yisroel, is there more needed to know about you?

    I agree with #26, all that live in Eretz Yisroel should be more than admired. To live in such kedusha is beyond words.

    Is this a “halachic” milchemes mitzvah”? I am but a pushita am haaretz, I cannot make a psak. All I can say is that the milchama is a true mitzvah in that it is saving Yiddishe Neshomos (not to even begin differentiating between levels of “frumkeit” or “freikeit”) and nothing ism ore important than them. The Bashefer loves us all so dearly and is definitely standing (and probably in front of) our very special soldiers, the ones with a gun in one hand and a tehillim in the other. I have no doubt that each and every one of them has built a mokom in Gan Eden for risking (and R”L losing) their lives for all of our protection.

    No bigger Kiddush Hashem is possible and I truly do my best to remember to say a kapital at every free moment for the safety of them all and the completion of the very worrisome time that has Heylicke Yidden at risk.

    Follow the guidance of YOUR Rav, it is the true Derech HaTorah.

  20. rabbiofberlin – you might be right that this is a milchemet mitzva, but don’t you think that this is something for the Gedolim to declare?

    Do you remember when the Lubavitchers declared their Rebbe, ztl, Moshiach? Did their declaration (of over 100 Rabbonim with smicha) change your opinion? If not, why? Perhaps, because the Gedolim did not support them in that “psak”?

    Over here I have not heared one way or the other whether the Gedolim hold so or not. I re-emphasis that even when things seem clear cut in Halacha, if the gedolim come out and say “Black is white and white is black” we are required to follow them.

    In all honesty, have you inquired from any gedolim if this is their opinion?

    I have nothing against you stating your opinion that it is and I’m not even going to disagree. However, my experience with gedolim has been that many times their daas seems to far beyond our understanding. What seems clear cut to us may be totally wrong in their eyes.

    What would you do if all of a sudden Rav Ovadya Yosef, Rav Steineman, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Simcha Cohen, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, Rav Sheinberg, Rav Moshe Shternbach, Rav Weiss, Rav Z.N. Goldberg, both Rav Feinsteins, Rav Dovid Cohen, both Rav Reishet, etc., etc, all came out and stated that this was not a Milchemet Mitzva? Would you state they are wrong?!

    I’m not stating that they would disagree at all, but I’m not even aware of the Rav of the Army having come out stating so. I unfortunately don’t have close enough a kesher with any of them to go and find out, so until I hear otherwise, I’m on a stalemate on this one.

    To you it’s clear, to me I’m not sure. I can hear both sides.

    If you ask me how I could argue you, to start with, if it is truly a Milchemet Mitzva why hasn’t the army called in ALL reserves?

  21. #27 KleegerFoonDee – You spoke very nice this time. HaKores HaTov is a key word here. We have two sets of soldiers fighting for us right now. Those fighting down here and those fighting klapei shamiyim. Both are needed and both need to be appreciated for their unique roles.

    May we all be zochei to see Yeshuot Bimheira V’Yamenu.

  22. The really neat thing hear is that all of you “Bible Thumpers” who quote your gedoilim,
    are violating their dictates regarding internet usage.
    Most of our American Chareidi Gedoilim today have no knowledge regarding certain Inyanim that apply to having a State of our own. As an example, I would never ask an American Godoil about the intricasies of Trumois and Maasrois. They simply don’t know the facts on the ground.

    Most of the soldiers in the combat units of the standing army are frum. Most of the young officers in the army are frum. No punk in Lakewood or Boro Park has the right to question the Halachik Qualifications of a Roish Yeshiva sitting in the hospital waiting to see if his son whose 2 legs have been blown off will even survive.

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