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7:45PM Comprehensive News Update from Eretz Yisrael

ywnisrael5.jpgThere are some delays in the regular updates to you, our readers as the YWN team has taken to the southern streets, literally traveling the rocket-stricken areas of southern Israel to bring the news directly from the front lines, including hospitals and army bases and installation literally meters from Gaza.

As a result, you are still receiving the major news in a timely fashion, while we bring Operation Cast Lead into your home in the form of photos and video footage. (YWN Staff)

**Negotiations between Hamas and Egypt are not progressing and Cairo seems to have hit a stone wall, at least temporarily, as Hamas continues to reject efforts from Cairo to bring an end to Operation Cast Lead. Another round of meetings between Egyptian and Hamas officials is scheduled for 21:00 Tuesday night in Cairo.

19:23: Firebomb attack against an Israeli vehicle in Shomron. No injuries.

19:05: IDF soldiers operating in northern Gaza discovered a tunnel leader to the Nachal Oz fuel depot.

** Channel 2 News reports six rockets struck Israel today, Tuesday and 600 Kassam and Katyusha rockets since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead. This number does not include mortar shells.

**An American State Department official commenting on statements released by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated “there are inaccuracies in the document”.

19:01: Two pipe bombs were discovered on the Tunnel Highway between southern Jerusalem and Gush Etzion. One bomb was safely detonated in a controlled explosion at the scene.

18:32: PA reports 50 dead and over 150 wounded in Tuesday’s fighting.

**IDF: Since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, 22,000 tons of humanitarian aid permitted into Gaza in addition to 1.3 million liters of fuel.

16:50: Five mortar shells land in the Eshkol region. No injuries.

14:45: Two Kassam rockets land in an open area near Sderot. No injuries.

14:35: An Arab was shot as he tried to grab an IDF soldier’s weapon near Tarkumiya Checkpoint in the Chevron area. The perpetrator died of his wounds later in the afternoon.

14:04: Rockets land in the western Negev. No injuries.

12:07: Rockets land in the Greater Sderot Region. No injuries.

11:38: Sirens sound in Ashkelon. False alarm.

11:32: Kassam rocket lands in Eshkol region. No injuries.

**Jordanian military officials issued a statement denying that shots were fired at an Israeli patrol on Tuesday morning by a Jordanian soldier near the Rabin Crossing. As was reported earlier by YWN, there were no injuries in the incident.

10:10: Kassam lands in Eshkol region. No injuries.

09:30: Rockets land in the Eshkol Region. No injuries.

On Tuesday morning, 27 IDF soldiers remained in hospitals around Israel with two listed in extremely serious condition, four serious and nine moderate. Soldiers are admitted to a number of hospitals including Soroka (Beersheva), Barzilai (Ashkelon), Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv), Beilinson (Petach Tikvah) and Hadassah Ein Kerem (Jerusalem).

Today in Gilad Shalit’s 933rd day in Hamas captivity.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Did YW ask a Shayla if you can put yourself into a Mokom Sakana? Your health and safety is more important then us getting up to the minute reports. I value your life more then the news.

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