Soldiers Wounded in Gaza Fighting

Three soldiers were wounded by an explosion in a booby-trapped building in Gaza during the night on Monday. One, an officer, is in critical condition in Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The paratroop officer, Aaron Karov, a member of the 890th Battalion, was injured as a result of an explosive device that detonated against the force.The others sustained light-to-moderate injuries.

Karov is married less than two weeks ago, leaving his wife the day after the wedding to return to his soldiers.

In a separate incident, four soldiers were injured from mistaken IDF fire, with one arriving in the hospital in serious condition. His condition has since improved and he has been upgraded to moderate/stable condition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

21 Responses

  1. please give us his full name so that we can daven for him, his wife tzivia and the entire newly simcha family together with all the other wounded.

  2. On JM in the AM, they announced that his name is Avraham Hosheya (as in “Hosheya Bin Nun”) ben Chaya Shoshana. He should have a refuah shalyma bkarov bsoch sha’ar cholei yisroel.

  3. This is such a heart splitting story of a young man leaving the day after his Chasuna. The pain we feel and the reaction that we have for some reason to feel that this hero’s story is more painful than the others (although of course it is not – all of these special people fighting for us are each a Neshama Kedosha)makes us better understand why the Torah says in Ki Saytzay that in the first year of marriage one should not go to war. This young man either chose to go or was told to go and of course I would hope nobody is judging him wrong as he truly is a hero for all of us. It just makes us better understand and realize the beauty of Hashem’s infinite wisdom.

    He should have a Refua Shelayma Bsoch Kol Cholay Amcha Yisroel.

  4. for details

    there is another of the wounded
    נחמיה שלום בן ארלין rubin

    both wounded have fathers involved in chinuch,
    looks like they did a great job,
    may they be zoche to celebrate many simchot together with their tzaddikim sons.
    whoever saves one Jew..
    how many have they saved in actuality & by negating our sonim yemach shemon vzichrom

    ain lanu lhishaain ela al ovinu s’bashamayim

  5. #9, baba

    So, are you willing to go fight in his place?

    If a rasha comes to kill a man’s wife, on the day of the chasuna, do you think he’s allowed to fight back. Maybe they deliberately got married before he left. If he’s in the army, he knew he was going to war!

    May the zechus of his family and now his wife’s family too… protect him! May the powerful, powerful tefillos of women in klal yisroel who daaven for their husbands, bring Aron back to full health and strength…


    Aron Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana l’Refuah Shelaima Min HaShamayim.

    and may all men be zoche to such powerful tefillos… without the yesurim.

  6. 5 & 9;
    Two important factors must be taken into consideration.
    1. A Rav was asked in his community, Karnei Shomron, who ruled that this is a Michemes Mitzvah and therefore Aharon is allowed/obligated to go back if called.
    2. The army specifically called him back the day after his wedding as he is a company commander in the 890th Paratrooper division, as such he trained tens of soldiers who would be at a disadvantage entering a live war zone (for their first time) without their company commander.
    Lastly, we cannot judge, we should Daven for that he and all soldiers who are injured have a speedy recovery, and that Hashem protect all of our soldiers who are in harms way.

  7. “Why are the army making soldiers go back to duty 2 weeks after their marriage?”

    He left the day after the wedding, he is a commander of an impt battalion—–this is war, as in survival, as in pikeuah nefesh.

  8. #9

    This is clearly a Milchems Mitzvah and therefore even a Choson from his Chuppa must participated. The Rambam says that even if they come “על עסקי קש ותבואה
    it is a Milchems Mitzahv. How much more in our situation .

    May Hashem watch over all of us and bring home all of our soldiers in good health and victory over those Bnei Yischmoel , together with Shalid,Amen.

  9. Something I can’t wrap my mind around and perhaps someone can explain: when these soldiers fight – they are defenders of the Jewish people and we daven that Hashem should watch over them. Most of the soldiers are not religius. Those who are most likely define themselves as tzioni and willing fighters for the STATE of Israel. Yet many people who write on this site often dengrate and disparage the zionist state or hesder yeshivas (most of these people have much more in common with YU – I know not a Yeshiva -right) than with charedi yeshivas. So at what point are these people good people fighting for the Jewish people and at what point are these people not religious enough, not good enough, not frum enough?

  10. רמב”ם הלכות מלכים פרק ז הלכה ד
    אבל במלחמת מצוה הכל יוצאין ואפילו חתן מחדרו וכלה מחופתה.

    רמב”ם הלכות מלכים פרק ה הלכה א
    …ואי זו היא מלחמת מצוה זו מלחמת שבעה עממים, ומלחמת עמלק, ועזרת ישראל מיד צר שבא עליהם, וכו’

  11. Below is a list of wounded soldiers names from the OU site, if you have a chance please pray for them:

    Major clashes between IDF troops and Hamas gunmen reportedly took place late Monday evening in the northern Gaza Strip. The following is a list of names of IDF soldiers wounded on the Monday January 5, 2009 clashes with Hamas:

    Dvir ben Laya – seriously injured
    Noam ben Aliza – one leg amputated; doctors fighting to save the other
    Li’el Hoshea ben Miriam – serious head injury
    Neriya ben Rivka – serious head injury
    Yitzchak ben Navah – moderate shoulder injury
    Netanel ben Navah – moderate shrapnel wounds to a lower extremity
    Maxim ben Olga – light lower extremity injury
    Yisrael ben Ilana – light shrapnel injury to an ear
    Yo’ad Ido ben Frieda Rivka – light shrapnel injuries
    Idan ben Liora – light shrapnel injuries
    Nadav ben Miriam – light shrapnel injuries
    Refael ben Nina
    Moshe ben Eidi – head injury
    Elishama Shalom ben Rivka Leah
    Ron ben Yisrael Litshy – serious
    Oleg Dizengoff
    Avi Cohen
    Roni Rapaport
    Rafi Cohen
    ? Levy
    Gershom Elazar ben Chasha Alita
    Yaakov Wolf, who grew up in London and moved to Kibbutz Gadot in the north in 2007, was hit by shrapnel in his neck that miraculously missed his jugular vein. He was immediately evacuated and the majority of the shrapnel was removed from his neck, while some shrapnel pieces remain because doctors have been unable to remove them. Wolf, who was born in Israel but moved with his parents to Britain when he was an infant, will remain for one week in Jerusalem’s Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem

    Please include these soldiers in your prayers that they should stay safe:
    Yitzchak ben Esther to stay safe (he’s head of paratroopers and he just led his units into Gaza)
    Binyamin Elimelech ben Pnina
    Hanan Dov ben Yehudit Rivka
    Nadav Ishai ben Yehudit Rivka
    Yehoshua Adam ben Sara Imeinu
    Avraham ben Moshe
    Amichay ben Gila Chana

  12. #20, The “real contributors to our people” are those in the Beis Medrash. Please do not denigrate and hate those, even if that is what you were taught from an early age. Thank You!

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