YWN Editor On The Front Lines in Southern Eretz Yisroel

ywnisrael3.jpgAs the War in Gaza intensified and the rockets continued to fall all across Southern Israel, the YWN Editor arrived in Israel alongside the well known group of Hatzoloh Paramedics and EMT’s known as the HEART team (Hatzolah emergency ambulance response team). Hatzolah members from Flatbush, Queens, Manhattan and Lakewood  arrived in Eretz Yisroel Sunday evening to offer Chizuk, support and encouragement to the residents of Sderot, Ashkelon, Asdod, Beer She’eba as well as provide encouragement to the thousands of soldiers in battle and to the country at large.

YWN will be providing up to the minute coverage of the various activities and events that have been arranged including meetings in various key Hospitals where injured soldiers are receiving care, Magen David Adom ambulance stations, rocket ravaged southern communities, as well as private meetings with high ranking military commanders.

Many other plans are in the works to allow YWN readers a up close and personal view of the ongoing military operations. These veteran Hatzoloh members are part of a larger Hatzoloh team that has trained with – and is ready to deploy to Israel in a time of war R”L if necessary on moments notice.

The group is also scheduled to meet with Roshei Yeshivos, Rabbonim and students of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva – the site of last years massacre of 8 Kedoshim HY”D. Additionally, plans are in place to visit the home of fallen soldiers killed in battle and to be Menachem Ovel.

Group participants told YWN that “our message and mission is one of Chizuk and strength to Klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel –  as well as to inspire the collective world Jewish community in support of our soldiers and people.

Plans are for the group to sleep in Ashkelon as well as dorm inside the Hesder Yeshiva in Sederot – who have become close friends of the team.

Our goal “is to inspire, encourage and lift the spirits of the heroic Yidden in the beleaguered border towns.”

YWN who has been providing up to the minute war coverage, has expanded the International News Division to bring live and breaking news to our readership. Says the YWN Editor, “our goal is to allow our readers the chance to get up close and personal, and to experience the burdens and difficulties of this war.”

YWN will I”H be updating the tens of thousands of YWN readers with first-hand updates, and photos from the ‘front-lines’.

YWN brought along our Chief of Internet Operations, Duvy Perkowski, to ensure that many more details along with videos and pictures of this amazing Kiddush Hashem will I”H be posted on YWN over the next few days.

NOTE: Each Hatzolah member paid their own tickets – no funds from Hatzolah were used on this trip!

(Eli Rowe (HPO1) – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. I’m truly impressed! Thank you for coming! Thank you to the families that you left behind that allowed you to come here at such a dangerous time. May Hashem watch you and guard you wherever you go!

  2. Maybe focus on miracles, open and otherwise, that have occurred. For example, a note of Lazer Brody’s blog:

    Just now, right after midnight on Saturday night, an emotional father from Jerusalem called me and said that he had something important to tell me. His son is an NCO is a special forces unit operating in Gaza. He and his squad were about to storm a house with suspected Hamas terrorists inside. A woman in long black local attire came out and pleaded with them not to storm the house. During the fierce house-to-house fighting, the same woman appeared to the NCO and his unit in three other houses. It turned out that all four houses were booby-trapped.

    Who was that woman? Sounds to me like Rachel Imenu…

    Hashem is surely giving us wake-up calls, but He’s also showing us just how much He loves us. Ad kan.

    Keep your eyes open for stories like this.

  3. Kol Hakavod for coming and giving both soldiers and residents of the South such great Chizuk.
    However, may I humbly suggest that YWN starts referring to IDF soldiers as “our soldiers” it is a subtle difference but physiologically is a huge difference.
    It shows recognition that our brave soldiers are indeed our fellow Jews and therefore we feel they are our brothers . They are risking their lives on behalf of Am Yisrael and we should give them the recognition and hakarat hatov they fully deserve.
    The truth is by calling them “our soldiers” it fully reflects the feelings of the majority of YWN readers. The countless calls for tefillos and extra learning on their behalf has been extremely moving and has shown incredible achdus. IYH our efforts will continue to help our soldiers and our family in the south.

  4. i sure hope he will make a kiddush hashem and make sure to bring a pair of teffilin and shabbos candles with u for the yeedin

    i very much agree with number 4 as is seen bi muchash that kol yisroel areivim zeh lah zeh the victory for yidden in eretz yisroel affects jews in london paris mumbai and all over and they are our soldiers and it is our yeedin over there in that case we can say that eretz yisroel belongs to the jewish people and therefore we can say that in a time of conflict we are all “zionists”

    thanks yeshiva world for being the shield in the time of grayness and confusion u are the real fighters

    and to those who know the truth this is the real disengagement war but eretz yidroel the goyim remind us is ours in all places

    shalom al yisrael

  5. rury, I am sure Hatzalah checked it out before they went there. This wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, this was planned a long while ago so I’m sure they had time to check that out.

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