Heavy Military Activity Seen Heading Towards Gaza

idftankn3.jpg21:13 IL: Since earlier on Sunday evening, when IDF spokesman Brig.-Gen. Avi Benayahu announced “reservists are operating in Gaza” there has been a visible increase in military activity and transport, all heading south.

Tank carriers, heavy vehicles, troop transports and other vehicles are heading from southern holding areas towards the Gaza launching point from where soldiers enter Hamas-controlled Gaza. While no official statement is being announced, this does appear to signal a stepped-up IDF effort and simultaneously signaling troops operating in Gaza are about to get a major boost from heavy reinforcements as the military seeks to halt Hamas rocket fire into southern Israel.

While it has now been learned that reservists joined in the counter-terror offensive a number of days ago, the visible troop movements does signal a move to a more advanced stage of the operation.

Al-Jazeera reports IDF troops are entering the Zeitoun area of Gaza City, the largest populated area in Gaza, covered by heavy aerial support, adding the air force bombarded targets ahead of the infantry’s arrival to create a safe passage for soldiers entering the area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. That’s it. No more fooling around. We gotta do sincere teshuvah right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We as klal yisroel have a chiyuv of arvus to our brethren who are and will be risking their life-pshutoi kmashmaoi-for us living here in eretz yisroel.Let’s sincerely daven for them that they should have hatzlacha in their avodas hakodesh. And of course our tefillos will be mekubal.

  2. What are you doing about this?
    If you can’t Daaven, or Learn… if you can’t go fight, or attend a rally… or even tell your children what’s going on… then at least sing with them!

    “Kol B’Rama Nishma
    Rachel Mevaka Al Baneha”

    “Mini Kolaych MiBechi
    V’ainayich Midimah…
    Ki Yesh Sachar Lefulasaych, Ne’um Hashem,
    V’shavu May’Eretz Oyaiv….”


    “It’s gonna be the little kinderlach that make Moshiach Come”
    – Country Yossi.

  3. sing, learn,daven, say tehillim, join protests, do whatever you can do to help our brothers in israel who are fighting for the survival of klal yisroelin the whole world.

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