Obituary: Armored Corps Sergeant Amit Robinson HY”D

candle732.gifArmored Corps Sergeant Amit Robinson, 20, from Kibbutz Magal, was killed in Gaza by sniper fire. He was buried on erev Shabbos in his home community.

Hundreds of family members and friends took part in the levaya, and when it was over, some of the close friends remained at the fresh kever, unable to bring themselves to say goodbye.

His parents, Eliyahu and Silvia, painfully explained that Amit’s tank was hit but the and his colleagues survived the incident, and they returned to repair the damage and while outside the tank, he was hit in an exchange of fire with a sniper.

Eliyahu explained, “I am really proud of my son’s actions, despite the pain. We are surrounded by love from his colleagues, and this comforts us. We are now members of the bereaved families, who pain together, strengthening one another.”

Family members explain while the tank was being repaired Amit phoned home and spoke with his mother and two sisters, his last call. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Dear Eliyahu And Sylvia Robinson,

    I do not know the pain that you feel.
    I have never lost a son.
    I have friends and family who did.
    But I have to write to you, because the loss of your son is different than the loss of the ones I know personally.

    This is different, because your son was killed while trying to protect my relatives. While I was indoors, safe, shmoozing or eating, or sleeping.
    In the United States.
    You were probably praying.

    I do not envy your tza’ar.
    I do envy your prayers, and I envy your zechus.

    HaMakom Yenachem Eschem B’soch She’ar Avaylei Tzion V’Yerushalayim

    V’Shavu Banim Ligvulam
    B’Mehayara B’Yameinu.

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