Anti-Israel Protest In London Turns Violent

jihad1.jpgAs Israel promised Saturday to step up their operations in Gaza against Hamas, an estimated 12,000 pro-Palestinian protesters in London clashed with riot police in the streets. At least one officer was knocked unconscious and two others were injured, according to British media reports.

Reports say the rally had started out peacefully, but as things came to a close near the Israeli Embassy in the English capital, things started getting out of control. A small group of protesters reportedly threw missiles at police, smashing store windows.

About 300 police in riot gear descended on the group, composed mainly of masked young men. When police cornered another small group, protesters reportedly threw sticks, stones and shoes at the officers. The crowds were eventually brought under control, according to the Times Online.

Media reports indicate at least three people were arrested.

The protesters had first gathered in London’s Hyde Park in support of the Palestinian cause, carrying placards marked “Gaza: Stop the massacre” and chanting “free, free Palestine.”

In attendance was former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s half-sister, who condemned him for what she perceived as his anti-Palestinian stance on the conflict, which has claimed at least 800 lives in Gaza. Singer Annie Lenox also participated in the rally.

Similar protests took place across the globe, with crowds in Lebanon, Bosnia, Germany, Greece and Scotland gathering to voice support for Palestinians in Gaza.

(Source: CBS)

6 Responses

    Come on! Riot Gear for sticks and stones…that’s absurd!

    How come that’s not what we hear in the media?
    Is it that Hashem is showing us how powerful the Anti-Semitism is? That we need to do something about it? Perhaps change ourselves and pray !? Let’s get the message, before it’s too late, c”v!

  2. Maybe it would be a good idea for IDF soldiers to help with security at Israeli embassies. Somehow, I think that this would help just a wee bit. They should be mechaven for mechiyas Amolek, as they should be in Gaza.
    Of course, I am not qualified to say this lehalochoh; just as a suggestion.

  3. Many sonei yisroel are creeping out from under the rocks under which they were hibernating. It is a good lesson for all of us to realize that these people are around all of the time, not just now b’eis milchoma. It is just sometimes easier for us to ignore them . . . We need to daven now very hard, but when I’YH this milchoma is a past victory and these people creep back under their rocks, we must still remember they are there and not let up with our tefillos.

  4. it is so obvious that the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps………
    6000 rockets plus and B’H it is unbelievable!!!
    Let’s forget those who didn’t even blink when continuous suicide bombings murdered and maimed so many in Israel, let’s forget those that totally ignored the news about the thousands of rockets pounding into Israel relentlessly.. why worry about those who come alive when they believe they can now ‘legitimately’ condemn Israel..
    Let’s laud those who see the truth and let their voices be heard, Read the news here on YW regarding the intended boycott of Jewish businesses in Italy.. The mayor and others protested this suggestion vehemently and the creep who suggested it is now trying to rephrase his hateful suggestion. So thanks to the Italian people for their intelligent support and forget those that will always hate us.

  5. Tfiloh and hishtadlus, when and to whatever degree is possible, always should go hand in hand. You can’t be somech on just nissim. And you certainly cannot be somech on just hishtadlus.

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