Shabbos News Roundup from Eretz Yisrael

18:23: Rockets fired into southern Israel. No injuries.

18:30: Arabs in the Jordan Valley area set a factory building ablaze. No injuries.

11:00: Two rockets landed in the Sderot area. No injuries.

11:46: Sirens sounding in Ashkelon.

12:07: Sirens sounding in Ashkelon. A building was hit. No injuries reported.

12:24: Sirens sounding once again in Ashkelon.

13:01: Rockets landed in the Eshkol Council area.

13:00: Israel agrees to another 3-hour humanitarian pause until 16:00.

**Schools to remain closed in Ashkelon on Sunday.

15:07: Two rockets landed in the western Negev.

15:16: IAF drops flyers on Gaza residents advise they evacuate the area.

15:50: At least 4 rockets strike Ashkelon, landing near a residential area. Two people were injured moderately and light-to-moderately from shrapnel and at least two injured lightly. Dozens were treated in the city since the morning for shock/hysteria as a result of 15 rockets impacting in the area.

16:16: Sirens sounding in Ashkelon.

16:28: Rockets land near Ashdod.

17:55: A Kassam rocket landed in the Shar HaNegev area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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