UN Security Council Passes Ceasefire Resolution

un.jpgThe Security Council vote passed 14-0 with the United States abstaining, passing a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, seeking an “immediate and durable” ceasefire.

The resolution calls for an immediate withdrawal of IDF forces and condemns acts of terrorism and attacks against civilians. UN members are expected to do their part to ensure the duration of the ceasefire, including actions to prevent weapons smuggling into Gaza.

Arab League head Amr Moussa explained the resolution is indeed enforceable even though it was not adopted under the international organization’s Chapter 7 title, which permits military enforcement. The resolution also calls for opening passages to Gaza to permit humanitarian aid to reach residents.

At present, it remains to be seen how Hamas will react to the decision having vowed never to surrender and rejecting an Egyptian effort towards a ceasefire earlier.

Click HERE to read the initial Israeli response to this breaking news.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. The Security Council? If I am not mistaken, if the United States would have voted against it, it would not have been allowed to pass, as we have a permanent veto.

  2. “The resolution calls for an immediate withdrawal of IDF forces and condemns acts of terrorism and attacks against civilians”

    Warn Hamas and the rest of the Arab appeasers that Hama’s first attempt at r”l another rocket attack or blowing something up c’v, will bring all hell upon them-again!
    We must not allow them even one violation.
    Don’t give in now-Finish the job.
    These Reshaim will stop at nothing to maim and kill.
    These murderers only understand one language.

  3. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that is sooo funny. Isn’t this the same “security” council that gave Saadam Hussein, what? 15 chances to listen to them? Oh I feel so SAFE knowing they are looking out for my best interests. I am so glad Israel seems to not give one hoot what this bogus group of thugs thinks.

    Or maybe Israel should agree if they will all go live in S’derot?

  4. I’d like to know if the U.N. can invest in recycling plants in the middle east.
    They can set em up in the Sinai Desert.
    We need a factory where they take rockets, and re-organize them by color and size, and shoot them up in an international spectacle celebrating the 15th of Adar.
    or the 15th of Shevat.

    whichever comes first this year.

    They can do this to inhibit global warming… as everyone watching this will probably hold their breath for a few seconds, thus preventing the release of carbon dioxide.

    or they can simply try to beat the swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning forks.

    Now that would be putting their money where there mouths are.

  5. I saw a video of the soneh Yisroel Ahmindinajad yimach shmo speaking at the UN in NY a few months ago and saying this which would not have been out of place in Germany in 1940, or the rest of Europe in the middle ages, and then all the repsresentaives at the UN applauded him (except Israel and the USA, both of whom had walked out), and then the President of the Assembly hugged the soneh Yisroel. It is known that the UN is a place where anti semitism is acceptable. But this really brought it home to me.

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