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Rocket Slams into a Shas Talmud Torah

A talmud torah kindergarten belonging to Shas’ Mayan Chinuch Torani was destroyed in a rocket attack in Ashdod earlier in the week. Baruch Hashem, the students were not present when a rocket slammed into the room. An hour earlier, the director-general of Mayan Chinuch Rabbi Yoel Ben-Tzur was visiting in Ashdod, to meet with Chinuch Atzmai officials. He was on his way out of the city when the news broke that the talmud torah was hit. He returned immediately to see the damage. He was shocked to see the extent of the damage.

MK Yaakov Litzman, who was in a nearby Gur school at the time of impact also arrived at the scene for a first-hand look at the extensive damage.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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