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IDF Chief to Gedolei Yisrael: Daven for the Soldiers

ashkenazi.jpgIDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi called on Gedolei Yisrael to daven for him and the soldiers of the IDF that they should be successful in Operation Cast Lead. The IDF commander turned to his friend Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, rav of the Kosel and other holy sites, asking him to carry the request to Gedolei Yisrael.

When asked to confirm the report, the IDF commander stated, “I asked Rav Elyashiv and Rav Shteinman to daven for us”.

Rabbi Rabinowitz reports he received brachos from Gedolei Yisrael for the success of the IDF.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. Amen. I think that the Gedolim should also call on the Klal to daven for the soldiers specifically, it was not in the Agudah statement found here the other day. They are moser nefesh and put their lives on the line so we can live in peace.

  2. B”H the Chief Of Staff has a Neshama and appreciates the power of prayer and the Gedolei Yisrael.

    I for one am exceptionally proud of our army and the Kiddush Hashem they are doing by putting their lives on the line for all of us.I still cannot fathom out why some posters refuse to say the tefilla for the IDF .

    Hopefully Hashem too is getting Nachas and will protect them

  3. I recommend that everyone send an e-mail to the Office of Rabbi Kook, Rehovot [[email protected]] in order to get partnered up with a soldier. There is no greater way to show the achdus of klal yisroel at such an important time in history.

  4. The Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisroel in Israel and in America have called upon everybody to daven and say tehilim. Many shuls in America have organized tehilim sessions. IYH we will overcome all our enemies. The Young Israel of America has a special tefilah mi shebeirach that can be said after each tefilah, shachris, mincha, and maariv. You can access it on the YI website.

  5. Are we waiting for erev rosh chodesh shevat for an asifa tefillah of all the kinderlach in the USA?
    Let us hear it from the ChofetZ Chaim Heritage org or one of the other popular organizations that sponsor these programs.



  7. Is everyone going to the ou rally on Sunday? I am and telling everyone I know to go and show support to our people. All over the world anti-semites are demonstrating against us. About time we show our numbers and our Ahavas Yisroel.

  8. and i hope that everyone realizes that bnai yeshiva who are learning are also chayalim.
    ( like the Chazon Ish ZTL convinced bg ).

  9. #13 get your facts straight. When Ben Gurion was trying to convince the Chazon Ish that it is important that the Frum also join the army, the Chazon Ish responded, “The day my boys close their Gemara, is the day your army loses its potency”. And no, he was not able to convince him.

  10. Moderator – please remove comment #7 asap. All of the Gedolai Yisroel have always said this Me Shebayrach for the Chayalay Zahal is Assur to say. We certainly should all be Mispallel but we cannot make up our own Teffilos (personal Bakoshos yes but public teffilos to be recited no).

    If you doubt me on this please call any of the Moetzes here and in Eretz Yisroel and you will find what I am saying to be correct.

    If we are writing an article where the general is asking for the Teffilos of the Gedolai yisroel then let’s too follow them.

  11. Sorry, just by picking up a gemara doesn’t make the bnai torah being moser nefesh.

    It’s quite cushy in fact to be learning in a warm beis hamedresh rather than crawling through the cold mud in Gaza being shot at.

  12. #15 great more sinat chinam!
    from when is one not alowed to say a MISHIBERACH in public?
    what do you do in your little shetel for a gevir after his aliya?
    a MISHIBERACH for what ever he wants!
    #13 get a life.

  13. “All of the Gedolai Yisroel have always said this Me Shebayrach for the Chayalay Zahal is Assur to say”. The word “ALL” is never correct.

    ALL ALL ALL, You are wrong on this one!!
    Tefillohs have been made up all the time, the kinos for the holocaust, and others!!!!

  14. #19 – not sure what you mean? the regular Nusach of a Mi Shebayrach is of course said. There are many Kehilos that also say the special Teffila of Hanosayn Teshua for the leadership of our country. That one particular mi Shebayrach L’chayalay Tzahal as it is written is what was said not to say.

    #20 – beautiful Teffilos have been made by Gedolim and that is why we say them. This Mi Shebayrach was not and thats why we don’t. Don’t get upset get the facts. I still stress again that we must all be Mispallel every Teffila for the brave brothers and sisters of ours who are fighting for us even if we do not live in eretz Yisroel. we are all an Am Echud and need to Daven. All I am saying is that that one particular nusach is a nusach our Manhigim have said not to say.

    If there is a post about Rav Chaim Shlita saying about Bittul torah and the war and we as Klal Yisroel no matter who we are have to agree that Rav Chaim Shlit”a is from our Gedolai Yisroel, then perhaps someone should ask him if one is permitted to say this Nusach of that particular Mi Shebayrach. when the question is asked you will see that his answer is not to say it.

    No sinas Chinam, no bad feelings and no ill will was or is intended. I cry for Klal yisroel as we all do. But if we are going to Daven then lets do it right.

  15. My son’s class adopted 2 soldiers! Yoel ben Shoshana and Shlomo ben Bracha! We should all daven for them! It will show THEM how caring we really are!

  16. #13 I’m so sorry.please forgive me, it’s just sop hard when my brother cousins and friends are in Aza and well when you have friends lying in a bed of a hospital and lying in the ground HY”D…I’m sorry. Shabbat shalom to all of you.

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