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Mortar Hits Kibbutz Home [UPDATED 1:35PM IL]

mda lo.jpg1:35PM IL: In the mortar attack in a Kibbutz in the Eshkol region a short time ago, four people were injured. Two victims are listed in moderate-to-serious condition and two light. The attack came during the 1:00pm-4:00pm Israeli humanitarian pause in military operations in Gaza.

1:16PM IL: A mortar rocket fired from Gaza made a direct hit on a home in a Kibbutz in the Eshkol region. According to reports from the kibbutz, four people have been injured. No additional information at this time.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Its amazing that during a pause in the fighting between 1PM and 4PM to allow help to go to the region in the Gaza that the Hamas has the outright chutzpah to send in a rocket. I think that Israel should stop being the nice guys they are and obliterate the Gaza and make it a football field with nothing left but land . No people,Nobody to give a chance of sending another rocket toward Israel, No buildings, No homes.
    It can be done quite quickly. Just give the people in Gaza a 24 hour notice to get out and run back to where they belong…and then you send in everything you got by Air, Sea and Land and wipe out the whole Gaza.—-PERIOD

  2. The world knows in their heart that the Jewish People are different. They need to sell newspapers and many have some kind of hatred that goes way back… but they know we are compassionate and slow to anger. There is a big difference between knowing this and ignoring it and having it not be true.

    This is the difficult mission we’ve been given – to be a light.

  3. I’m really sorry but I’m NOT surprised!!! I mean – come on… You give Hamas a “break” – I don’t care what it’s for (as much as they complain about not having enough aid…) and what do you think they’re going to do? Do you really think they’re going to use their time to read their children stories and clean up the house???

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