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12:45PM News Update from Eretz Yisrael

12:25PM: Sirens sounding in Ashkelon at this time. A rocket made a direct hit to a sport center. An unspecified number of people are being treated for shock/hysteria.

**13 rockets were fired at southern Israel until noon on Thursday.

**Tefillos continue for Rav Avraham [ben Hadassah] Ravitz, head of Degel HaTorah. Rav Ravitz remains in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and family members report an improvement in his condition from serious to stable.

**LEBANON: Ahmad Jibril’s terror organization released a statement that it is not responsible for the rocket attack into northern Israel on Thursday morning.

**42 IDF soldiers remain hospitalized in five hospitals, with 2 listed in critical condition and 5 serious.

**Israeli delegation arrives in Egypt for ceasefire talks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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