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11:30AM News Update from Eretz Yisrael

**Israel on Thursday will permit another humanitarian break in the Gaza counter-terror offensive from 13:00-16:00 for a second consecutive day.

**300 Gazans with dual citizenship and foreigners were permitted to leave Hamas-controlled Gaza on Thursday morning. DM Barak ordered the opening of Erez Crossing to permit them to make their way to Jordan.

**10:17: Terrorists in PA-occupied Bet Lechem threw firebombs at IDF soldiers at Kever Rachel. No injuries.

**Three injured Gaza residents were transferred to MDA ambulances at Erez Crossing and taken to Israeli hospitals.

**International Red Cross spokesman Pierre Wettach stated he is “shocked” by Israel’s behavior; citing soldiers are not permitting his people to render aid to the wounded in the Zeitoun area of Gaza. He accuses Israel of failing to comply with international standards for caring for and evacuating the wounded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Ridiculous!!! As the Bostoner Rebbe recently said: “We must not send ‘humanitarian aid’ to our enemies.” While spearheading a program to pray and study Torah on behalf of the soldiers of the IDF, the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz also came out against aid to Gaza.

    As for the Red Cross, why haven’t they protested Hamas’ lack of compliance in even allowing the barest info on Gilad Shalit? What hypocricy!

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