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Obituary: Staff-Sgt. Alexander Mashvitzky Z”L

candle71.gifStaff-Sgt. Alexander Mashvitzky, 21, from Beersheva wanted to be among the best combat soldiers in the IDF.

Alexander Mashvitzky is one of the IDF soldiers who were killed in a mistaken-fire incident in Gaza.

Tens of relatives and close family friends gathered in Beersheva upon hearing the tragic news. Friends felt compelled to tell reporters of his marvelous sense of humor and his fearless composition. “He was not afraid of anything at all” they explained.

Alexander’s parents immigrated to Israel from Russia 18 years ago. His father is a mathematics professor in Ben-Gurion University and his mother a high school teacher in Yerucham. He is survived by his parents and a sister, 10, and brother, 22. Sgt. Alexander Mashvitzky is being buried on Wednesday at 3:00pm in the Beersheva Military Cemetery.

In a pained voice his mother Luda cried this morning, reciting her prayer “Alex, I hope it will good for you in Shamayim (Heaven). I hope you will be happy and I hope you will look after us.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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