Obituary: Captain Yonatan Netanel Z”L

yn1.jpgYoni as he was known was married a year ago to Tziona. Captain Yonatan Netanel, 26, a deputy company commander in the Golani Brigade, was a resident of Kedumim in Shomron. Three months ago, a daughter was born, their first child, who will never know her dad.

Yoni and Tziona met for the last time a week ago. Yoni was very upbeat and Tziona asked “Will this be the last time that we will see one another?” Yoni responded with words of comfort, assuring his young wife that he will return home and “everything will be all right”.

Like Major Wurtman, he attended the Yashlatz High School affiliated with Merkaz HaRav High School in Yerushalayim; with the school losing two graduates in the mistaken fire incident after eight students were murdered in a terror attack in the school in July. A heavy feeling of mourning prevails in the halls of Merkaz HaRav. After graduating, Yoni attended the Bnei David IDF Prepatory Yeshiva in Yishuv Eli.

Prior to entering into Gaza, he sent an SMS text message to his wife, “I am fine. Nothing to worry about. Love you.”

Captain Yonatan Netanel was buried on Monday evening in Har Herzl Military Cemetery. Yoni was the eldest of four children born to Rav Amos and Malki. At the levaya, Rav Amos stated, “We have absolutely no anger at the IDF.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Another one of our young finest has passed onto Olam Haba while serving and protetcting Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and performing Kiddush Hashem.

    My pride and appreciation for such yidden know no bounds.

    Hashem yeracheim. We don’t just want Moshiach now; we *need* Moshiach now.

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