Maran Rav Shteinman Shlita – The War will End Quickly

shteinmann.jpgSome Ashdod yeshiva students are less concerned with cabinet assessments regarding a possible ceasefire after learning Maran Rav Shteinman Shlita believes the war will most likely end soon.

The students of Bnei Avraham Yeshiva Pittsburg temporarily relocated from Ashdod to Bnei Brak. The talmidim were told during this difficult time while the southern area is at war, they must learn more and with increased vigor, reviewing all their material from the beginning of the zman. The outstanding talmidim were pleased to learn they would be meeting with Rav Shteinman Shlita. A rav in the yeshiva explains they were allotted 15-20 minutes for the meeting.

Rav Aryeh Leib Shteinman Shlita spoke with the talmidim for an hour and a quarter, with one of the rabbonim explaining to the gadol hador that the situation for the yeshiva and talmidim is most difficult. Rav Shteinman responded, “Most likely, it will end quickly and with Hashem’s help, we will emerge victoriously.”

Before leaving, they received brachos that they should become talmidei chachamim and be successful in their torah learning.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. Instead of running away to safety while soldiers are risking their lives fighting an enemy who wants to destroy us while praying to H’ for victory, why don’t they join and fight this milchamas mitzvah??

  2. the learning of these bochurim are what keeps the soldiers safe. Limud Hatorah is a very important defense. In the zechus of their learning, the IDF should be, bezras hashem, victorious!

  3. #1- What do you think they are doing? They are fighting with every weapon they have! What they’re doing is just as important as the soldier’s guns and tanks. Did you know that the army commanders called for a bracha before they went in? Even they knew that they need that piece to succeed.

  4. To add on to what I said before in #1, what is “most difficult” about the yeshiva situation?? They ran away out of firing range so that other Jews can face the enemy and put their lives on the line!

  5. How about learning with the children of the soldiers who are away, taking them to shul on Shabbos so they do not sit alone and filling in in their stores so they do not lose their businesses?
    Let’s see some gemilas chesed for the soldiers and their families

  6. #1—they have joined the fight—in all of Klal Yisroels history there have to be those on the front lines of physical warfare and those immersed in the spiritual warfare. All are l’shem shomayim…all units of one whole…and all completely dependent on Rachamei Shomayim.

    We need all of klal yisroel to unite in tefilla, and respect the mesiras nefesh of every unit.
    May we be zoche to the geula b’karov.

  7. In response to number 1:
    You need to understand something very fundamental – it is only in the merit of such yeshiva students who at this time are increasing their efforts in Torah learning and prayer that the soldiers fighting in the physical battles are successful. What a tragedy, and how backwards, it would be for these students to close their gemaras and joing the fighting!

  8. They are fighting this milchomas mitzva. The Gemora says that Yoav ben Tzeruyah was successful in fighting Dovid Hamelech’s wars because Dovid was mispalel and learning. And Dovid was able to daven and learn because Yoav was successful. We need both. Those who can physically fight are doing it and those who are learning are doing their part.

  9. To #1: Shteiging in yeshiva helps the soldiers on the ground. Hash-m wins our wars, and we should daven and learn for the brave soldiers safety and success.
    Notice how Rav Shteinman shlit”a said “we”? That’s the attitude we have to have. The IDF is not a separate entity, they are part of us, and their welfare should be on the forefront of our minds.

  10. #2:
    Yes, R’ Shteinman is aware that if you have more zechusim and Yiras Shamayim than he does, your words may carry more weight. Not THAT is scary!

    Retzon Yerai-av Ya-aseh, V’es shavosam Yishma V’yoshia.

    Please guard your tongue. Or Mind your keyboard.
    Don’t advertise your foolishness.

  11. “why don’t they join and fight this milchamas mitzvah??”


    First of all, it’s not a milchemes Mitzvah. The religious soldiers are being sent to the front (Golani Brigade), while the others wait to see what happens.

    Second, as was explained by the Chazon Ish, ZT”L, and others many times, the only thing that saves Israel from being overrun by hunde\reds of millions of bloodthirsty Arabs in the neighborhood is Limud Hatorah.

    This is far more important than adding a few thousand more soldiers to the IDF.

    Third, you are a “Malig Al Divrei ChaChomim.”–A Cynic, a “LetZ>”

    We Torah Jews take the words of our Gedolei HaDor seriously.

  12. #9 – A very large percentage of the soldiers mobilized are from Hesder Yeshivot units. 4 out of the 6 soldiers killed were frum soldiers.

    Are you really claiming that these soldiers are backward – I think your comment is very insensitive to their memories.

    Our soldiers gave there lives for a Milchemet Mitzva let’s show them the respect they so richly deserve. They died a kiddush hashem on behalf of the clal.

    Learning Torah is vitally important for our success but we need also Hishtadlus and go out to fight. I suggest you read Rav Zevin’s maamar on Milchemes mitzva.

  13. no. 18: “Why do you always have to call people names like “fool” and “letz”?

    When someone is a “Malig Al Divrei ChaChomim”–Making Laitzonos on our Gedolim–we follow the advice of the malbim on Mishlei–“Make fun of him, so that no one will take his words seriously.”

  14. Hey, Torahis1, you’re doing it yourself now!

    L’Maaseh, I was at Kerem B’Yavneh in 1987 for a Shabbos, and personally heard the Rosh Yeshiva himself give a shmooze about how the Hesder system was a B’Dieved, and full time learning was the L’Chatchilla.

    Having said that, though, rather than engage in silly blog-warfare in a debate that is leagues above the heads of most commenters above, how about supporting both those who are risking their lives at the front, and those who have committed their lives to Torah learning, who are both keeping us all safe every day.

  15. Finally a glimpse at something POSITIVE during this awful period of chaos and war – the luminous tzura of the gadol hador (one of the gedolei hador) giving us much-needed words of soothing and reassurance. We have unmitigated “emunat chachamim” that the words of Maran Harav Aharon Leib shlit’a will certainly come true: that this war will come to an end quickly. Let us add our incessant tefillos: that EVERY ONE of our boys returns home completely b’shalom, and every one of the terrorists contract “askra”, the most torturous form of death (please see Brachot 6:1).

    We shouldn’t need any proof that the words of this great tzaddik are destined to come true. But for those of us who are as of yet “weak” in the appropriate level of emunat chachamim, please take an example from what ocurred a few years ago. At that time a terrible scourge in the name of the “shinui” party – outspoken, vicious enemies of th olam hatorah v’yeshivot in e”y – came on the scene. Every hour they would renew their verbal attacks on the tzibbur hachareidi. Then Prime Minister Sharon disappointed all of us immensely by forming his government together with them. At that time Hagaon R. A. L. said: “They will cause a lot of grief to the Olam Hatorah, but they will not last very long. They will soon have a great mapala.” If anyone recalls that is precisely what happened: their seemingly powerful party broke apart completely as the result of some ugly scandals. (Their leader also got ill & died, but we should never rejoice when any harm comes to ANY Jew, whatever great rasha he may be.)So we see clearly: “Tzadik gozer v’hkb”h m’kayem”.

    It is so painful to read some of the above comments, depicting these Yeshiva Bachurim as deserters who ran away from the front lines to relative safety. People who speak like that have no understanding whatsoever of the chashivus of the limud hatorah of the b’nei hayeshivos. Thay are the true ENEMIES OF KLAL YISROEL. As it states: “m’harsayich u’macharivayich mimech yetzeu”. And it is not true that “we need both” (bachurim in yeshivos AND soldiers fighting in tzahal). While we daven without stop for safety, security AND VICTORY for all chayalei tzahal at this time, we must remember that the whole concept of tzahal is “neged hatorah”. So if ALL the boys would be in yeshivos toiling in the torah there would be no need for any kind of army or self-defense. As it is stated: “b’zman sh’hakol kol Yaakov ein hayadayim y’dei eisav”.

  16. Having said that, though, rather than engage in silly blog-warfare in a debate that is leagues above the heads of most commenters above, how about supporting both those who are risking their lives at the front, and those who have committed their lives to Torah learning, who are both keeping us all safe every day.

    I completely agree with u!

  17. Both the Bostoner Rebbe and Rav Simcha HaKohen Kook of Rechovot, Shlita, have called for those engaging in learning to “adopt” a soldier – to learn on his behalf:

    “After learning about the heart rendering appeal of the Gedolei HaTorah to intensify our Tefilos and Torah learning during this very trying time for Klal Yisroel, we have undertaken to join and aid them in their prayers.
    The Medrash Rabah and the Yalkut relate that during the war against Midyan, for every one that went out to battle there was a designated person whose task it was to pray and learn for him.
    The Great Gaon and Sage Rebbe Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, when asked about this tradition pointed out that David HaMelech, as well continued and instituted the practice, that for every individual who was in combat, there was another person selected for the specific task of praying and learning for him.
    Therefore in order to continue and accomplish this Minhag, we ask soldiers and/or their relatives who would want a “partner” in Torah and Tefillah to email [email protected] or fax 011 972 8 9450027 and give their Hebrew name and mothers Hebrew name without any other particulars such as family name or other identifying factors, so that we may disseminate them among those who heed the call to add Torah and Tefiloh for the sake of those who find themselves in jeopardy
    ” . Anyone who finds himself or herself ” in danger or in shelters because of the war may also feel free to call or email to the above.
    To bond with us and receive a name of your “partner” please email or fax the above.”

  18. Thank you #23 for the support. Ch’v’S I would never say anything about a gadol such as Rav Shteinman. And as #23 points out, I never even referenced anything Rav Shteinman said.

    Regarding #13’s comments, I don’t posken what is a milchames mitzvah and what is not, and surely #13 does not posken either. I am merely relating that I have heard or read Torah leaders call this war a milchames mitzvah, based on halacha (which I myself have not learned) that any war against an enemy who hates us and wants to destroy us is a milchames mitzvah.

    I also forgive anyone who maligned me in this forum. They are all probably just naive, immature teenagers anyway who will bezras H’ one day grow up and know better.

  19. dear yaakovg (no. 26):

    Thank you for forgiving me. However, you may not have realized that you mischaracterized the yeshiva Bochurim who left the danger zone to learn Torah.

    You wrote: “Instead of running away to safety while soldiers are risking their lives fighting an enemy who wants to destroy us while praying to H’ for victory, why don’t they join and fight…”

    They way you wrote it, you made the Yeshiva Bochurim look like cowards, rather than the “Tzivos HaShem”–the Torah Army that they really are.

    “Chachomim HizoHaru BeDivreiChem!”

  20. Deepthinker – As #25 points out, you may want to refer to Rav Shmuelevitz’s essay in the end of Sichos Mussar about bochurim fleeing town during war.

  21. Kinderlach!!!

    Shhhh! Please!
    Can’t you see we’re trying to learn?

    We’re trying to run a war here, and your bickering is causing interference between the tactical teams in the Beis Medrash, and the operatives in the field.

    We need YOU, we need your tefilla, each and every Yid Can bring the geulah!
    Don’t Talk, Sh! Sh! Just Daaven, and your tefillos will reach Hashem!

    Thank you to our brave soldiers who protect our children.
    Thank you to our brave bnei kollel who protect our future.
    Thank you Hakadosh Boruch Hu for allowing us to keep learning Torah at this time.

  22. i agree everyone please stop we should all be trying to help. it doesnt matter how we do it just every take care of themselves and be dan lcaf zchus

  23. Dear yaakovg (no. 28):

    It’s always difficult to be “MeDameh MilSa LeMilsa.”

    These Bochurim left the area on the advice of Gedolei Torah, not on their own.

    The Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva was not referring to missles raining down all over, which makes it almost impossible to learn Torah with a clear head.

    There was a danger then,but it wasn’t so immediate.

    “The Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva was not referring to
    missles raining down all over, which makes it almost impossible to learn Torah with a clear head.
    There was a danger then,but it wasn’t so immediate”.

    IT IS EVIDENT that you were not aware of the events of the ’67 world (probably before your birth), the danger was immense, the learning took place in bunkers with Reb Chaim zt”l, and the yeshivas stayed. The miracles were huge and those who remained saw wonders from hashem. The bnei yeshiva ALSO spent time under the directive of Reb Chaim to pack sandbags, engage in night patrol and bring supplies and food to the eldery and children. Learn your history before making assumptions…..

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