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Rice Backs Cairo’s Ceasefire Proposal

mubarak.jpgUS Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed her support for Egypt’s ceasefire proposal in an effort to halt the ongoing IDF operation in Gaza. Rice stated however, such a ceasefire must be “durable and sustainable” to ensure Hamas is not permitted to return to the situation that existed before Operation Cast Lead.

The White House demands a ceasefire includes an end to weapons smuggling into Gaza from Egypt along with an opening of all Gaza crossings and of course, an end to rocket attacks.

Opponents to a ceasefire at present explain that halting before Hamas’ rocket-firing abilities are eliminated will only permit the terror organization to continue firing rockets into southern Israel at will, failing to eradicate the threat facing some 1 million Israelis today. Israel has repeatedly stated its objective in the operation is not the eradication of Hamas, but a halt to rocket attacks. At present, by all accounts, Hamas has taken a beating but is far from being incapable of continuing rocket attacks into Israel, as is the case daily, with Tuesday’s attacks reaching deeper into Israel, past Ashdod, the 40km marker which officials stated was the terror organization’s limit.

Intelligence officials are now aware Hamas can actually strike as far as 70km (42 miles) into Israel, adding Hamas has not yet revealed its entire hand regarding rocket-firing capabilities.

According to Israel Radio Reshet Bet early Wednesday morning, Defense Minister Ehud Barak is telling his close associates that he opposes entering the next phase of the operation, bringing tens of thousands of reservists into Gaza, adding that he was in favor of accepting the French ceasefire proposal earlier, but the cabinet rejected it.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. Rice should live in S’derot and the Negev a few days and keep her sage advice to herself. Perhaps the US should have made a cease-fire in Iraq a long time ago or in WWII in Japan because so many innocent civilians died with the bomb.

  2. She supports it???? SHKOYACH! But who cares about her?!

    If she wants to cease firing her mouth off, that would be a VERY good thing!

  3. An end to weapons smuggling into Gaza from Egypt and an end to rocket attacks are nice, but what about an end to other terrorist attacks such as suicide bombings,stabbings,shootings and rock throwing??
    The release of Gilad Shalit and the other captured soldiers from years ago should also be part of the cease-fire discussions.

  4. how does one have a “durable & sustainable” ceasefire or peace with a group of “animals” that freely admits it’s aim is the total destruction of Israel & all its people??

  5. GAZA CITY, Gaza – Israeli mortar shells struck outside a U.N. school where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people — many of them children whose parents wailed in grief at a hospital filled with dead and wounded.

    The Israeli army said its soldiers came under fire from militants hiding in the school and responded. It accused Gaza’s Hamas rulers of “cynically” using civilians as human shields. Residents confirmed the account, saying militants were seen staging attacks from the area.

    Despite international criticism over civilian deaths and a diplomatic push to broker a cease-fire, Israeli said it would push on with the offensive against Hamas.
    When Palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists suffer defeat at the hands of Israel or Jews,the world cries ‘foul’ and Ms Rice wants a cease-fire. But when Jews are murdered,tortured,hurt and abused,all are quiet. The children live in fearSchools and hospitals,supermarkets,shuls,homes are being hit daily and hourly by deadly missles shot into civilian places in Israel and that is fine. When the Jew beats up the bully,then the fight must stop because that is part of the sport. The nazis mindset is still alive.OBLITERATE ALL TERRORISTS

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