Israel Addresses Humanitarian Needs in Gaza

truck.jpgPrime Minister Ehud Olmert reports that since the start of Operation Cast Lead, Israel has permitted hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid into Gaza, making certain Gazans are able to receive basic supplies. Officials however acknowledge delivery of goods is somewhat hampered at times due to the fighting.

On Tuesday night, Olmert spoke with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; explaining Israel is opening a ‘humanitarian corridor’ to further ensure Gaza residents are able to receive their basic needs.

Senior security officials will be involved in briefings on Wednesday to decide if tens of thousands of reservists who were called up to duty will be brought into Gaza to take the operation to the next stage, to bring Hamas fighters to their knees, or alternatively, to decide Israel’s goals have been achieved and to acquiesce to mounting international pressure.

With the UN Security Council preparing to convene and possibly release a resolution against Israel, officials in Jerusalem appear less concerned with the international body’s anti-Israel mantra and it does not appear the UN’s cries will compel a decision in Jerusalem.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. This is the wrong approach. The Palestinian people are very strongly behind Hamas. When you are at war with a people you should want to win and protect your own. If they suffer, they will give in faster.

    They are being kind at the expense of our soldiers. Kol hameracheim al haachzorim…

  2. Perhaps the Israelis should no longer warn the enemy before attacking so that the Palestinians terrorists would not be able to attack Israelis from places where the civilians are seeking protection.

  3. While Israel is making sure they receive aid, Hamas is making sure they receive a profit. The media reports that Hamas is stealing the humanitarian supplies and turning it around and selling it for a profit.

  4. It’s amazing – Israel provides food to its enemies (and this goes unrecognized to anti-Israel folks) while there are many people in Israel right now who can’t afford a Shabbos meal. Who else would treat their enemies this way? What other country? I hope to G-d that Israel will continue their fight until the ‘bitter end’ and that everyone will just leave us alone…what do they want from us anyways that they can’t provide for themselves? Just leave the Jews alone already!

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