PHOTOS: War In Southern Israel (Days 9, 10 & 11)

idffuner.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: Six IDF soldiers R”L killed….Parts of Gaza bombed beyond recognition….Since the start of Operation Cast Lead, 520 rockets fired into Israel….Four people R”L killed….450 treated for shock….Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez calls Israel’s offensive in Gaza a Palestinian “holocaust”….Obama breaks silence on Gaza, calls civilian deaths ‘a deep concern’….Al-Qaida No. 2 urges Muslims to attack Israeli and Western targets over Gaza operation….Olmert rejects EU request for brief ‘humanitarian’ truce….Peres: Europe wouldn’t tolerate rocket fire….Egypt announces plan for immediate truce….France and U.S. press Egypt to deploy expert engineers, naval contingent on Gaza border to stop weapons smuggling…..

The YWN photo album of the war with Hamas in Gaza has been updated.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to view.

8 Responses

  1. Thank you so much to theyeshivaworld for sharing this. It made tears come to my eyes.

    “V’CHamas Hamelech Shachacha?”

    May we be zoche to understand what it means to do teshuva shelaima, WITHOUT the sounds of bombs bursting in air.

    viyehi no’am Hashem elokaynu alaynu…

    Please, yidden, keep daavening tonight. the tehillim in krias shema she’al hamita is very, very powerful.

    May the Ribono Shel Olam see fit to help us forgive those we need to forgive, and give us the courage to ask forgiveness from those we have hurt.

    Shalom al yisroel…
    bimehayra, biyamenu.

  2. There is enough arab propaganda in the media.
    I don’t think YWN needs to show us pictures of the
    injured arabs, who are probably hamas supporters.

    May Hashem protect the Israeli soldiers and civilians and KLAL YISROEL.

  3. by leaving comments and waisting ur time on the internet isn’t going to make Hashem proud and answer all of your bakashose

  4. I am not a fan of Chabad, and I am as cynical as they come, but when the yidden prevail, and moshiach comes, and for each life that does not get squandered by this terrible defensive (i can’t even call it the offensive), Chabad will be able to take complete responsibility. They are truly amazing, and I have tears in my eyes when I see the pictures of the chayalim putting on tefillin… for some, it will be the first, and last time.

    I am gaining deep respect for those that go out to the front lines, and are a different sort of soldier.

  5. Intersting!!! In album “day 9, 10 & 11 pictures #009 & 032 have the same arab guy posing with “innocent” civilians!! How do you like them apples??

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