UPDATED – UNRWA School Hit in IDF Strike

iaf strike.jpg[UPDATE BELOW] According to reports from Gaza and Israeli sources, a UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) school was hit by IDF tank fire. As a result, up to 40 people were killed. UNRWA officials are already demanding an investigation, insisting Israel was informed the schools were occupied with Gaza families seeking refuge from the bombing raids.

According to reports from Gaza, up to 40 people were killed as a result of the raids which hit the school when tank shells exploded close to the school spraying shrapnel inside. UN officials report that the people inside the school were local residents and Gazans seeking refuge from the Israeli bombings.

UPDATE 8:30PM IL: IDF officials responding to the reports that over 40 civilians were killed in an UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) school in Gaza explained the true story behind the tank fire.

Officials explain that the building was targeted after mortar shell fire was directed at soldiers from within the building. Officials further add that it was evident from the powerful explosion that followed the tank fire that there were munitions stored inside the structure.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

20 Responses

  1. UNRWA is one of the most biased UN outfits.
    It is manned nearly exclusively by Yishmoelim.
    It can pride itself to be one of the main causes for perpetuating of the “palestinian refugee problem”.

  2. I wonder why we don’t trust the Gazans when they tell us that they value the lives of children.

    Is it the video footage that they have aired, showing their sweet 2 year olds chanting death threats, and hoping to be suicide bombers when they grow up?

    Perhaps it is the memories of our sweet children waiting on line for pizza in Sbarros, or with siddurim in hand on the #2 bus, or sitting at an open gemarra in the beis medrash of the Mercaz Yeshiva

    Chasof Zeroa, Kodshecha,
    V’karev Kaytz Ha’yeshua,
    Nikom Nikmas Dam Avadecha,
    May’uma Har’sha’a…
    Key orcha Lanu hayeshua,
    v’ayn kaytz L’Ymei hara’ah.
    d’chay admon,
    b’tzayl tzalmon,
    Hakem lanu ro’eh shiva.

  3. I have no doubt there was rocket fire coming from the school and so they got what they deserved.

    This part of the ongoing war will end as soon as the Izzys cave into foreign pressure so they better get rid of all they can while they have the chance.

  4. UNWRA is known to be the most terrorist loving, abuse making, and corrupt agency in the world. It is about time the U.S. withdrew its funding from the U.N. and for Israel to leave. But, that won’t happen until Moshiach comes.

  5. The Israeli military said Hamas militants positioned in a U.N. school in northern Gaza fired mortars shells at Israeli forces today, prompting Israeli forces to return fire, according to its initial investigation. Three artillery shells believed to have been fired by the Israeli forces struck near the perimeter of the school in Jabalya, killing at least 30 people and wounding 55, according to a U.N. official

  6. the UN need to investigate why it lets the arabs fire from their buildings without protesting

    thats what need to be be investigated not israels known response

  7. Only 40 dead, hashem should help that the next post there should be way more than that dead terrorists! Hashem Yazor.

  8. this is what these filthy terrorists get for purposely mingling with civilians- none of these people are innocent they all want all jews dead

  9. The UN should be told that the next time any shots get fired from a UN building, that building will be blown up! In its entirety!
    Let them ALL rot in the earth!
    Better one billion goyim than one Jew!

  10. No investigation is in order for the untold number of attacks on innocent Israeli civilians, all these years!?!?!

  11. Before the UN was just a useless tomblike structure on the East River sapping NYC residents of tax money that goes to feeding and housing diplomats who are exempt from parking tickets and murder, while their entire days are filled with voting to vote to vote to vote for resolutions to resolve to make resolutions to call for the destruction of the State of Israel. Now, they’ve gone a step further. They’ve assigned their hospitals as launching pads for rockets and bullets toward Jewish neshamas.

  12. Local neighbors of this edifice have “confirmed” to the news media that the arabs yemach sh’mom v’zichrom were launching missles from this building.

    That as well as the MAJOR explosions that took place when the building was hit would PROVE to a normal & sane world that this was a hiding place for missles.

  13. Media reports claim that UN schools are notorious hiding places for terrorists. In fact the headmaster of the school was moonlighting as a rocket builder for islamic jihad, according to Reuters. Hamas was firing at the IDF from within the building, and had booby-trapped the building. The second explosion from the booby-trap is what killed all those people, not the IDF. Hamas uses human shields, and still remains the victim.

    Lets be clear about a few things. This is not about Israel’s right to defend itself. Its all about Israel’s right to even exist. You can compile all the facts, which clearly show that Hams is responsible for all the chaos, death and destruction and yet Hamas will still remain the victim. The world doesn’t care about facts.

    We don’t need the world’s support, they aren’t going to come to our aid. We just need Hashem, and we just need to do teshuva.

  14. See an AP article, with a title about this leading to calls for a truce, where Gaza residents are quoted as telling a reporter that they saw the “militants” firing from the area of this school AND A DIFFERENT ONE and that the Israelis were firing at them.

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