Captain Yonatan Netanel Z”L

yn.jpgCaptain Yonatan Netanel, 27, from Kedumim in Shomron, was one of four soldiers killed by mistaken IDF fire in Gaza on Monday.

Netanel was a graduate of ‘Yashlatz’, the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva High School in Yerushalayim. He then attended the Bnei David IDF preparatory yeshiva in Yishuv Eli in Shomron for three years. He entered the army serving in the Paratroops Corps.

Captain Netanel was married to Tziona and they have a 3-month-old daughter.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. To the family of Yonatan Netanel, H”YD
    Hamakom Yinachem Eschem b’soch Sh’ar aveilei Tzion Viyerushalayim.

    Umachah HaShem Dima May’al Kol Panim

    To Ziona Netanel:
    You don’t know me. I am a religious Jew from New York. But You have become a “donor”… for me, and all of klal yisroel. Your heroism, at allowing your husband to go into a war zone, when you have a 3 month old child at home, fills me with awe. Your sacrifice is not going unnoticed. Not by me, not by your family, not by all who live in Eretz Yisrael… and now, not by your extended “family” in the United States.

    I don’t intend to forget you.
    May Hakadosh Boruch Hu repay you for your chesed, and for the ultimate sacrifice you have made on our behalf. May your daughter grow up healthy, strong, and secure, in knowing that her father wanted to be there for her, but had a mission to accomplish. And may you be comforted, among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim by the ONLY ONE who can give you comfort at this time.

    A Jew in New York.

  2. To poster #4 Thinking out loud…. ..What a heartfelt and wonderful post and without a doubt the sentiment of everyone reading this terrible story of loss for all of Klal Yisroel. Thank you for saying it so well.

  3. #4 – thank you for echoing our thoughts so beautifully.
    May Yonatan be a Melitz Yosher for all am Yisrael and may his countless zechuot protect his wife and daughter.
    I pray that Hashem will give them the strength to deal with this tragedy together with the families of all the other heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisel – Eich naflu giborim

  4. On our way now to Yonatan`s (Z”L) levaya.
    Close family friends of his parents.
    They were saying today – He was almost too good to be real.
    The heart breaks.

  5. baruch dayan emes….

    Hamakom Enachem Ecschem b’soch Sh’ar aveilei Tzion V’Yerushalayim !

    Dear Tziona,

    MAy Hash-m give you enough strentgh and koach
    to carry on and raise your daughter and we shall never know and hear more of this terrible pain that is happenning in our days .
    YAsher Koach to you and to your baby.

  6. Some people deserve to “think out loud”.

    #4, you my friend have echoed all of our collective thoughts in such a beautiful way.

    I have no other words except to tell you that I am in awe of your comment.

    I hope somebody prints this unfortunate b’sura ra and show the nifteres wife, during shiva, the wonderful comments in face of this horrible tragedy.

    I am sure that someone as hartzig as #4 will be give Tziona the chizuk she truly needs to go on.

    May Tziona never know any more pain and may she raise her daughter with much nachas.

  7. Thank you #4, your written thoughts are beautiful.
    A heligie neshama can be a malitz tov for all of us. A ben torah and a family of chesed.

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