Following are the names of the IDF soldiers and officers killed by mistaken IDF fire in Gaza on Monday in two separate unrelated incidents.
Golani Brigade physician Major Dr. Dagan Wurtman Z”L, 32, from Maale Michmas. The levaya will be held on Tuesday at 15:30 in Har Herzl Military Cemetery.
Deputy Company Commander Captain Yonatan Netanel Z”L, 27, from Kedumim. Levaya to be announced.
First-Sergeant Nitai Stern Z”L, 21, from Jerusalem. The levaya will be held at 13:30 in Har Herzl Military Cemetery.
Golani Brigade Corporal Yousef Muadi, 19, from Haifa [a member of Druse community]. The funeral will be held at 15:00 in the Bircha Cemetery.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
HaShem Yinkom Damam. Oy genug shoin tzuress gelitten! Zoll Shoin kummen der geula!
(They don’t lose their status as kedoshim, I’m pretty sure, just because tit was friendly fire that felled them.)
Three of the Kedoshim were Yeshiva graduates the forth was a Druse
so sad to read the names. may we have yeshua soon.