Investigation Launched Against HaMevaser Newspaper

mivaser.jpgAs a result of a complaint filed with his office, State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss has launched a clandestine investigation into the new chareidi newspaper HaMevaser, a project of Meir Porush. According to allegations, the project of launching the new newspaper may be the result of unauthorized involvement of government since opponents of the paper explain Porush, a MK, turned to potential advertisers asking them to support the paper, which they explain represents his unauthorized or possibly illegal acceptance of favors and accepting bribes or abusing his political influence.

The investigation was launched on Sunday, and investigators seem to be conducting the probe under a veil of secrecy, obtaining statements from people who received letters from Porush requesting that they advertise in the newspaper.

One person close to Porush stated the pressure of some people not pleased with the new paper is understandable and it is evident the entire matter is being blown out of proportion towards thwarting the launch of the new chareidi daily.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

5 Responses

  1. Why does he need a newspaper? Aren’t there enough out there already?
    If he has extra money why not do something more worthwhile?

  2. This is a power struggle between the Gerer’s (Hamodia) and Porush(Hamevaser)after the Gerer’s abuse of power in the Jerusalem Mayoral elections, where they went against all the Gedolim in Israel and voted for Nir Barkat.

  3. but they aren’t trying to ban any of the other ideologically oriented newspapers (which are virtually all of them)?????????????

    in some countries they have “Freedom of the press”, and in all fairness, Israeli have more freedoms than anyone else in the Middle East.

  4. civil war is not in anyones’ best interest.let us be a light unto THE NATION and get over our differences, to earn much needed rachmei shomayim in these unstable harrowing times. l’chol zeman v’eis….

  5. So now MKs are not allowed to be involved in any sort of business or fundraising at all? Not just from people with business before that particular MK, but from anyone? Because that’s what this complaint seems to say. Of course the State Inspector’s office is delighted at the opportunity to investigate a haredi politician, but the complaint obviously came from Hamodia.

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