Tehillim List of Wounded Soldiers

tehillim1.jpg(CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE TEHILLIM) The following is a list of names of wounded IDF soldiers for Tehillim. [As of Monday 11:00AM EST]

Dvir ben Laya – seriously injured;
Noam ben Aliza – one leg amputated; doctors fighting to save the other;
Li’el Hoshea ben Miriam – serious head injury;
Neriya ben Rivka – serious head injury;
Yitzchak ben Navah – moderate shoulder injury;
Netanel ben Navah – moderate shrapnel wounds to a lower extremity;
Maxim ben Olga – light lower extremity injury;
Yisrael ben Ilana – light shrapnel injury to an ear;
Yo’ad Ido ben Frieda Rivka – light shrapnel injuries;
Idan ben Liora – light shrapnel injuries;
Nadav ben Miriam – light shrapnel injuries;

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. On the subject of publicized lists of Tehillim names, the following Tehillim names were circulated after the attacks on 9/11. They were supposed to be of people either missing after the attacks or injured from the attacks.

    There are some people, today, who are still davening for them, since no one ever followed up with updates on these names.

    Does anyone recognize any of the names? If yes, could you PLEASE let us know of their status?

    Also if someone knows of a better venue to find this info, please let us know.


    Shimon Dovid ben Alta Rifka Nechama
    Eliyahu Leib ben Chasha
    Mordechai Leib ben Yasfa Laya
    Mordecha Lev ben Itamar
    Yaakov ben Shoshana
    Shimon ben Shlomo
    Nitamal Zeev ben Naah
    Avrohom Nesanel ben Golda
    Avrohom Yosef ben Chaya Shaindel
    Eliezer Aryeh ben Sora
    Ruth bas Yitzchok
    Raizel bas Freyda
    Mindel Laya bas Yeta Freyda
    Miriam Tamar bas Laya Malka
    Chana Perel bas Sora
    Richie Rosenthal
    Rifky bas Chana
    Yeshaya ben Chaya Henya
    Moshe Zalman ben Sasha Sora
    Leib ben Yasafa Laya
    Golda bas Rochel

  2. January 8, 2009

    Please pray for our wounded soldiers and civilians. There are 40 soldiers being treated in several hospitals. May we only hear good news and may they all be healed b’ezrat HaShem.

    IDF Soldiers
    Li’el Hoshea ben Miriam – critical head injuries;
    Wahal Mijan – critical, has metal shards in his brain, has had three operations and doctors are battling to save his life;
    Ben ben Netiva – critical with head injuries & has had 1 hand amputated and doctors are battling to save his other hand;
    Neriya ben Rivka – very serious head injury;
    Noam ben Aliza – one leg amputated; doctors fighting to save the other;
    Yosef Chaim ben Ziva – very seriously injured on the entire left side
    of his body- regained consciousness yesterday BH (thank God);
    Dvir ben Laya – seriously injured in his legs;
    Raphael ben Dina – very seriously injured;
    Elishama Shalom ben Rivka Leah
    Oren ben Chaya – seriously injured shoulder & hand – has had one finger amputated;
    Ronen Chai ben Leah – seriously injured;
    Ron ben Havatzelet – seriously injured with shrapnel over all of his body;
    Eitan ben Sarah – very serious leg injury;
    Gal ben Hedva – seriously injured with shrapnel to his jaw & mouth;
    Ran ben Merril – moderate shoulder injury;
    Idan ben Nadi – moderate shrapnel injuries;
    Yitzchak ben Navah – moderate shoulder injury;
    Netanel ben Navah – moderate shrapnel wounds to a lower extremity;
    Ohad ben Bracha – moderate facial injuries;
    Maxim ben Olga – light lower leg injury, operation to remove shrapnel;
    Yisrael ben Ilana – light shrapnel injury to an ear;
    Yo’ad Ido ben Frieda Elka- light shrapnel injuries;
    Idan ben Liora – light shrapnel injuries;
    Nadav ben Miriam (Maria) – light shrapnel injuries;
    Sagi ben Osnat – light shrapnel injuries to his leg;
    Omer ben Dorit – light shrapnel injuries to legs;
    Evgeny ben Elizabeth – leg injury
    Lior ben Mazal, Oleg Dizengoff, Avi Cohen, Roni Rapaport
    Yaakov Wolf – hit by shrapnel in his neck that miraculously missed his jugular vein BH Moshe ben Eidi – head injury

    Wounded civilians:
    Gavriel ben Sarah – from Sderot – child in severe shock from kassam attack;
    Yakov ben Rivka – very seriously injured from kassam rocket;
    Bat El Hila bat Phoebe – moderately injured from kassam rocket that fell in Netivot
    Gila bat Odelia – moderately injured by kassam attack in Netivot

    Kidnapped & Missing Soldiers:
    Gilad ben Aviva (Shalit) – kidnapped Israeli soldier that Hamas claims was injured in air raids on Gaza;
    Ron ben Batya (Arad)
    Guy ben Rina (Hever)
    Tzvi ben Pninah (Feldman)
    Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sarah (Katz)
    Zecharia Shlomo ben Miriam (Baumel)

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