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French President Blames Hamas for Suffering

sarkozy.jpgFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy told members of the Lebanese media that the rocket attack from Gaza must be halted. He added that the suffering of the Palestinian people is also due to Hamas’ actions and the Gazan rulers must bear the responsibility for current realities.

Sarkozy is arriving in Israel on Monday to pressure Jerusalem to agree to calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. The release of his comments coincides with his impending arrival.

Large anti-Israel protests have been taking place in France, including at leat one violent event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Why is he discussing a cease-fire if Hamas must be stopped. Is anyone willing to stop them? Maybe these wise-guys in the “international community” should all GUARANTEE the cease-fire. If it is not adhered to in the strictest sense–let THEM send their boys out to Gaza to be blown to bits by terrorist hiding among the population and hiding out below hospitals and schools. That’s something to consider. Also makes you wonder why they are discussing a cease-fire with Israel and not Hamas?

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