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Obituary: St.-Sgt. Dvir Emanueliof HY”D

da1.jpgSome 30 months after his father was niftar from illness and two weeks after the passing of his grandfather, Dvir Emanueliof fell in battle in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Dalia, his mother, went shopping and was on her way home, loaded down with bags when she saw the IDF officers waiting for her outside the home. She immediately understood.

Dvir, 22, was killed by mortar shell fragments in an attack against his unit as they were operating in the Jabalya area of Gaza on Sunday.

Friends and family quickly gathered in their home and Dvir’s four sisters worked to comfort their mom, who was visibly torn over the news, the death of her only son, and another tragedy in the family.

After their father died, the children launched a website diary to remain in touch with him. Shortly after Shabbos one of Dvir’s sisters, Aviha, the youngest, wrote, “Abba, Dvir has gone into Gaza. Ima is really worried. Please help her and all of us to remain strong. Please bring all the soldiers home safely. Love Aviha.”

Dvir was laid to rest on Monday night in Jerusalem’s Har Herzl Military Cemetery.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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