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11:55PM IL: News Update from Eretz Yisrael

21:31: A female motorist was lightly injured in a rock-throwing attack between Ariel and Elkana in Shomron. Damage reported as well.

**The Kerem Shalom Crossing is expected to open on Monday to permit humanitarian aid to travel from southern Gaza towards the north. The aid is being coordinated between Israel and humanitarian organizations acting as go-betweens.

**IDF reservists activated for service are already involved in pre-operational training exercises.

**Hamas ambulances in Gaza are being used to transport terrorists and weaponry.

**IDF Homefront Command – The Ashdod warning system is back up and running. The malfunction was detected and repaired. All schools in the 40km area to remain closed including kindergartens and universities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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