IDF Soldiers Entered Gaza at 7:00PM Israel Time

ywbn12.gifAt 7:00pm on motzei Shabbos, IDF ground forces entered Hamas-controlled Gaza as the next phase of Operation Cast Lead gets underway. The news of the ground incursion was only released in Israel close to 90 minutes later. One eastern Jerusalem Arab journalist began broadcasting information from Gaza to the Iranian media ahead of the permitted time, in violation of the censor, and police in the Lachish district are now looking for him. He will be placed under arrest and face criminal charges for violating the military censor protocol. Army officials report the same will hold true for all members of the local and foreign media as there is a strict media censorship on all information being released.

Soldiers entered Gaza from three different locations after artillery pounded terror targets in Gaza, clearing the way for them as much as possible. As the soldiers escorted by tanks enter the hostile territory, they were supported by fire from the air and sea, as well as continuing artillery fire.  There have been reports of close encounters and firefights between soldiers and terrorists. Israel reports dozens of terrorists have been eliminated in the first hours of the operation as troops continue advancing. The force operating in Gaza includes Paratroop and Golani Brigade soldiers, combat engineers, intelligence and other specialized units.

Tanks are moving slowly and every unit has specific instructions, with officers and foot soldiers aware of their mission and objectives in Gaza.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed the nation on motzei Shabbos, stating the decision was a difficult one but a necessary one since the current situation has reached an intolerable level. He also sent another warning that others in the region would be wise not to take advantage of the southern warfare to launch an offensive along the northern border.

Tens of thousands of IDF reservists are being activated as per a cabinet decision, which will receive the required endorsement of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee on Sunday.

Israel also imposed a naval blockade extending 20 nautical miles on the Gaza coast.

Police, MDA and other agencies remain on high alert. Sporadic protests and unrests were reported earlier in the Israeli Arab sector. There was also a left-wing protest against the operation in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square.

The United Nations Security Council will be convening in urgent session to discuss the ongoing IDF operation.

Hizbullah continues to call on Hamas to kill as many IDF soldiers as possible.

00:10AM: Rockets land in the Shar HaNegev area. No injuries reported.

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(Written and posted on motzei Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael – Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Tehilim is needed urgently from every person, at Home, Shull, or Yeshiva, so the soldiers should return home along with Gilad Shalit with no harm.
    כן יעבדו כל אויבך השם
    תרדוף ותשמידם מתחת שמי השם.

  2. This is an as tzara for all of klal yisroel.
    Huge pro palestinean rally planned in Miami tomorrow and there will be more in every large city. Davening and dsyata dshmaiya is needed.

  3. I just read on AOL that HAMAS has warned the IDF that they will be in for a unique surprise. Let’s pray they don’t mean stockpiles of uranium to be used as dirty bombs.

  4. However, Syria was in the process of building a nuclear reactor with the help of Iran before the Israelis rocketed it. Hamas is supported by Iran who has not hid their intention of nuking Israel, Chas V’shalom. That is no idle threat!!!

  5. #
    TO # 1
    Tehilim is needed urgently from every person, at Home, Shull, or Yeshiva, so the soldiers should return home along with Gilad Shalit with no harm.
    כן יעבדו כל אויבך השם
    The enemies will NEVER serve Hashem.
    Perhaps you meant י א ב ד ו

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