12:00AM IL: News Update from Eretz Yisrael

The air force, navy and artillery forces continue to pound terrorist targets and provide support for ground forces operating in Gaza, which includes Golani, paratroopers, combat engineers, and intelligence troops. They are being supported on the ground by tanks and other armored vehicles.

Soldiers are well-stocked, carrying heavy loads but will not require logistical support, and as officials put it, are ready for the “long haul”.

There are several battles taking place simultaneously but details may not be published at this time.

Cellular telephones were taken from soldiers prior to entering Gaza. There is a strict military censor regulation regarding the ongoing ground forces operation and its details.

A rocket landed in the Shar HaNegev Council about 30 minutes ago.

(Written and posted on motzei Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael – Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Israeli Troops Launch Attack on Gaza
    Ground Fighting Widens an 8-Day War on Hamas

    Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night, opening a ground war against Hamas after a week of intense airstrikes.

    Is the Real Target Hamas Rule?

    If Hamas rockets cannot be stopped, then is the real aim of Israel’s operation to remove Hamas entirely, no matter the cost?

    The rockets and missiles of Gaza could change the landscape of the region.
    NY Times

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