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idftr.jpgMotzei Shabbos – IDF ground forces are entering Hamas-controlled Gaza. Ground forces are being supported by extremely heavy aerial and artillery fire as paratroopers and Golani Brigade soldiers take the war to the next stage. The army during the past hours has been bombarding northern Gaza to clear a path for soldiers and to do everything possible to minimize the risks to infantry soldiers.

The force has been preparing in the Gaza area for days following months of simulations and appropriate training exercises. Senior military commanders report the errors of the Second Lebanon War were studied and they have learned, today’s situation finds the IDF significantly improved from the situation in Lebanon in the last war.

All residents in the 40km (24 miles) radius from Gaza have been briefed and re-briefed regarding IDF Homefront Command regulations, and after eight days since the start of Operation Cast Lead, they have been compelled into becoming extremely acquainted to the regulations and emergency procedure.

YWN Israel Desk wishes our soldiers much hatzlocha and siyata d’shmaiya as shluchim on behalf of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael!!

(Written and posted on motzei Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael – Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. There are hundreds of soldiers who are shomrei Torah and mitzvos, fathers and brothers of bnei yeshiva fighting for Eretz Hakodesh. Please have them in mind in your tefillos.

  2. May HKB”H protect all those involved, may he allow them to go and return safely, and may he allow them to have a successful mission.

  3. Please everyone, daven for the safety of our fellow Yidden. No matter what level their yiddishkeit may be on, they are still fighting to be allowed to live as Yidden whereever they want to – in this case Eretz Yisroel.

  4. To # 1: Thank you for your plea for tehillim & prayers, but no need to point out that many of them are shomrei torah u’mitzvos. In a time like this we are mispallel EQUALLY for ALL acheinu b’nei yisroel who are on the front and hence in grave danger rachmana yatzileim.

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