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8:00PM News Update from Eretz Yisrael

19:26: Two Katyusha rockets land near Ashdod. No injuries.

19:30: Rockets land near Ashdod. No injuries.

19:41: Three Katyusha rockets land near Moshav Bnei Darom [past Ashdod] and Ofakim. No injuries.

Heavy IDF artillery fire reported into northern Gaza. The IDF is also lighting up a good part of northern Gaza, releasing heavy illumination flares.

A large radical left-wing protest was held on motzei Shabbos in Tel Aviv during which participants carried PLO flags. Opponents, including left-wings, expressed outrage and spontaneously, many many people came to oppose their audacity, “flying the enemy’s flag during a time of warfare”.

The IDF is dropping flyers into northern Gaza warning residents they should leave their homes immediately for their own safety since terrorists are based in population areas and they have no alternative but to attack those areas as well.

Regarding the Netivot home destroyed on motzei Shabbos, the home was constructed of wood, not cement as is the case in most homes and a woman was inside. Chasdei Hashem, she emerged from the carnage with light injuries. Her husband was in shul davening at the time of the attack.

(Written and released on motzei Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael – Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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