Badatz Calls for Tehillim at Mincha

gavad.jpgIn light of the war in the south and the tragedies in the chareidi community, the Eida Chareidit has called for reciting five prakim (chapters) of tehillim at Mincha in yeshivos, kollelim and talmidei torah.

The Rabbonim Shlita point out that of late, there have been too many cases of young people dying and leaving hundreds of orphans. They are also very concerned over the situation in Eretz HaKodesh, particularly the war in the south.

The kol korei distributed by the beis din speaks of the many children left without the head of the family as well as the fears and dangers facing many families in Eretz Yisrael today.

As such, the rabbonim are calling for the recitation of five chapter of tehillim with each Mincha minyan in educational institutions until Rosh Chodesh Shvat. The beis din also calls on the tzibur to continue reciting the tefilla in shmona esrei prior to Shema Koleinu for badly-needed rainfall. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. What does “prior to Shema Koleinu” mean? Does it mean in Shema Koleinu or in a previous beracha? Someone please clarify this for me. Thank you.

  2. Moshe B – it neans in the Shema koleinu tefilla in the same place we same annenu on a taanis. The tefillah can be found in shachris in most siddurim printed in EY including Tefilla Kol Peh and Bes Tefilla

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