2:45PM IL: News Update from Eretz Yisrael

Agudas Yisrael MK Yaakov Litzman has decided to forgo becoming chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee in the next government, opting instead to seek the Housing Ministry portfolio as a deputy minister with ministerial authority, hoping to open thousands of housing opportunities of the chareidi public. Litzman is basing his plans on the fact that Binyamin Netanyahu will be the next prime minister.

14:15: Sirens sounding in Sderot. No injuries.

14:04: An Arab taxi driver in Shomron tried running over a Jewish female at Karnei Shomron Jct. The woman was uninjured. The driver fled the area.

13:57: Rockets land in a field in the Gaza-belt area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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