1:00PM Update From Eretz Yisrael

Rockets have landed in the Ashkelon and Kiryat Malachi areas. Baruch Hashem there is no physical injuries.

Officials are reporting a single Katyusha rocket slammed into the eight-story building in Ashdod. At least 20 people are being treated for hysteria as a result of the rocket attack. It appears the rocket slammed into the 5th story and continued downward, causing damage to a number of floors.

According to one eyewitness, the damage to the structure is extensive, adding a penthouse was totally destroyed. The street below is full of chunks of concrete and many vehicles have been damaged and destroyed as a result.

The location is in the center of the city, a veteran area of the city with many multi-story residential structures.

Firefighters have disconnected the gas and electric in the multi-story building.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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