Rocket Strikes 8 Story Building in Ashdod [UPDATED 12:58PM IL]

mdan.jpg12:58PM IL: Firefighters have closed off the street where a Katyusha rocket slammed into an 8-story store. Large junks of concrete have fallen out of the building and fire officials feel at a first glance that the building may actually collapse and it must be closed off until a proper engineering assessment can be made. The entire street has been closed off.

12:20PM IL: A rocket slammed into an eight story building in Ashdod a short time ago. People are being evacuated from the building. There are a number of hysteria victims. Baruch Hashem, it appears there are no physical injuries. There is significant damage to the building.

According to veteran southern area correspondent Nissim Keinan, quoting “senior military soruces in the know,” the rockets today have exceeded the 40km mark, with one striking 47km from Gaza and one close to 60km (36 miles).

12:24PM IL: Another rocket has just slammed into a potato factory in the Eshkol Council district. Once again, hysteria victims but no physical injuries.

Other attacks on Thursday morning include:
12:05PM IL – Two rockets landed in open areas in Beersheva. No injuries.

10:13AM IL – Kassam rockets fired at Greater Sderot area. No injuries.

10:50AM IL – Kassam rockets fired at Greater Sderot area. No injuries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Look at the miracles. No physical injuries besides for shock victims. When areklal yisroel going to wake up and daven to the One and Only to save us. Besides for this war, we are in a very serious economic crisis, which isn’t helped by a Jew doing thie biggest fraud ever. It always has to be a Jew doing these things. Daven now for Moshiach to come and save us.

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