Rocket Strike to Kindergarten & School Compel Cabinet to Support War Effort

idftn.jpgThe Katyusha rocket strikes on Wednesday to a kindergarten and a 9th grade classroom in Beersheva removed any doubt from the cabinet regarding the decision to continue the offensive against Hamas. There were a number of ministers who were feeling the pressure of those demanding a ceasefire of a humanitarian pause in fighting, but realizing the extent of the Hamas threat, the government has given the green light to continue towards achieving the goal, the dismantling of Hamas’ military threat. Baruch Hashem, Beersheba Mayor Rubik Danilovich decided to close schools on Wednesday, for if not, the results of the rocket attacks could have been quite catastrophic.

The government is taking a wise approach, clamping a media censor on most of what is taking place behind the scenes, unlike the Second Lebanon War when statements were given to the media freely. At present, the nation waits to hear the order – sending ground forces into Gaza, a move that appears imminent. It is now abundantly clear to all that without a ground forces operation Hamas can not be eliminated and the sophisticated terrorist infrastructure cannot be eradicated.

Hamas continues to release ominous messages, warning they will inflict a heavy price on IDF soldiers, adding there are over 100 shoulder-held anti-tank missile launchers waiting for the IDF entry.

Undoubtedly the nation has painful memories of the start of the Second Lebanon War, when the first tanks to cross the border were blown apart by waiting Hizbullah gunmen. The IDF however by all accounts has learned many a painful lesson from the state of un-preparedness in that war, in addition to being under the command of a first-ever pilot chief of staff instead of an infantry officer.

A senior IDF commander stated that Israel also has surprises for Hamas, stating the troops are well prepared and equipped for the difficult battle that awaits them. Tanks, armored and specialized vehicles, artillery, foot soldiers and special forces are seen along the border, all preparing for the incursion, which according to a Wednesday evening Channel 2 News report may take place anytime after Friday morning.

Over 9,000 reservists were activated in recent days, and for the most part, the reserve duty soldiers will replace standing army forces to free them for duty in Gaza. Some combat-ready reserve units have also taken part in extensive training and preparations for the incursion, which according to all commanders was more a matter of “when” not “if”.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Thursday is traveling to France for a very brief visit, where she will meet with President Nicolas Sarkozy and other senior officials to discuss the French call for a 48-hour humanitarian pause in fighting. The cabinet rejected the proposal when it became abundantly clear that Beersheva is now included in the Hamas fire zone. It is not exactly clear why Livni has opted to travel to France, but most believe she will attempt to win over additional European support for the ongoing Israeli offensive.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. aileh varechev veaileh basusim – vaanachnu………… – the arabs may have horses – the zionists have planes but thats all insignificant – what we need is the yeshuas hashem that will redeem us from the bitter golus

  2. Who says “It is now abundantly clear to all that without a ground forces operation Hamas can not be eliminated and the sophisticated terrorist infrastructure cannot be eradicated.” Why risk Israeli lives? Simply carpet bomb any arae where there are thought to be terrorists. If that is the whole of Gaza, start systematically flattening Gaza City and before long they will be begging for a stop. Is it worth the risk of losing Jewish lives to save those of Arabs?

  3. #2 – would you want iran to carpet bomb israel because “its not worth arab lives to save jews”? – when will people realize that jews are in galus and their job is to turn to hashem, not engage in warfare

  4. #3- do you have any doubt in your mind that if Iran could do it they would not think twice Chas veshalom.
    Hashem is watching over us.

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