Recap of Day 5 of Operation Cast Lead – Wednesday

iaf2.jpgThe IDF reports the air forces on Wednesday, day five of Operation Cast Lead struck 25 Hamas targets in Gaza. Since the start of the operation on Shabbos, 450 targets were hit. Pilots report 10 rocket launchers in northern Gaza were eliminated.

At least 80 rockets landed in Israel on Wednesday and at least 260 were fired since Shabbos.

Four Israelis were injured lightly from shrapnel and at least 70 people treated for hysteria. 20% of Sderot residents have left their homes during recent days. DM Barak expanded the ‘special zone’ to 40km (24 miles) from Gaza.

As of Wednesday, 900,000 Israelis are in the Hamas rocket-firing zone. To date, 4 Israelis were killed, 44 injures, and over 200 treated for hysteria.

PA officials reporting 393 dead and 2,300 injured.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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