Yishai: Many Ashkenazim Will Vote for Us

ovadia yishai.jpgDuring recent days, Shas leader Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai can be found in southern Israel, spending much time visiting rocket-stricken areas as he explains he feels compelled to identify with them and show them they are not forgotten. Yishai’s vehicle has become a virtual mobile war room, monitoring events in the south and constantly maintaining a pulse on the warfare.

Speaking with Chadrei Chadarim late one night, as he was returning home, the Shas leader was willing to respond to a few questions. When asked if the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) opposed his travels to the bomb-stricken areas, he questioned if his blood is thicker than the blood of area residents.

He explained the government must get down and stick it out with residents – adding if the residents must be evacuated, they must all leave the area, and if not, then the cabinet ministers must be there with them, side-by-side.

He explained that when he spoke with Rav Ovadia Shlita, the Rav gave him a bracha prior to heading south.

Regarding the next phase of Operation Cast Lead, the minister is concerned about sending infantry into a densely populated area with over 1 million people who are all an enemy. He prefers to permit the air force to do the job if this is a possibility.

Yishai explained at faction meetings he instructs party MKs to speak to the press not be verbalizing, but by their actions, by being ‘out there helping the masses’. When asked who is good for the chareidim, Netanyahu, Barak or Livni, he stated with certainty that none of them are, only Shas, explaining a strong Shas will compel any government to include the party and this is good for all the chareidim, Ashkenazim and Sephardim alike. He explained that in Knesset, Shas works for everyone and a strong Shas will also help to correct longtime discrimination, citing at present, the representation in the 120-seat Knesset is about 70/30 in favor of Ashkenazim.

Yishai is confident that many Ashkenazim will vote for Shas, now aware the party must have a strong voice in the upcoming Knesset and equally aware Shas does not discriminate, but works for the entire tzibur.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I think this issue btwn the sepharadim and ashkenazim are PATHETIC!!!!! Is that was our religon is about?? Fighting against lower class ppl?? (come to american and its the opposite) the ashkenaz don’t let the sephardim in their school what in the world is that??? And then they come to america asking for tzedaka and we give them with out blinking an eye!! We don’t look at them and say oh no I won’t give u because ur ashkenaz. Bottom line- I’m apalled at the way the israeli ashkenazim treat the israeli sepharadim

  2. Shas is evolving into a “real” political party that addresses all issues, and hopes to eventual rule. By “real” that puts it in a class with Likud, Kadimah and Labor (though this might be Labor’s last election as a “real” party).

    The “unreal” parties focus on narrow issues and patronage. They try to influence the “real” parties, but have no hope of taking over, and no real plan.

    The Ashkenazi Hareidim still feel they have no hope of taking over the government from the zionists (and it has been 80 years since they gave up being “real” and became a faction focused on narrow issues of their own survival, rather than how Eretz Yisrael as governed). When the Ashkenazi Hareidim decide it is possible to become “real” politically, they will merge with Shas, and offer a real choice to the “tweedle dee, tweedle dum” of Likud, Kadima and Labor.

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