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IAF Takes Out Terror Mosque in Gaza

The air force on Wednesday confirms planes targeted a terror mosque in Gaza City, a structure masquerading as a house of worship but in actuality, it was a weapons storage facility and Hamas center.

IDF intelligence has been monitoring the structure during recent days until the evidence was presented validating the suspicions of experts. Prior to giving the green light for the aerial assault, the approval of Judge Advocate-General Brig.-Gen. Avichai Mandelblitt was obtained, with the military’s legal authority explaining to commanders the assault against the weapons storage facility inside a mosque is well within the confines of international law.

Hamas reports from Gaza state there were injuries in the IDF attack.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. In reply to the previous post. Don’t be so gung ho. A moslem seeing your message may be incited to attack our GENUINE places of worship. As always hazneya lechess is the way to go especially during these dangerous times.

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