REPORT: IDF Incursion Anytime After Friday AM

idf3.jpg8:23PM IL: Channel 2 TV News reported a few moments ago that the IDF will begin a ground forces incursion into Gaza anytime after Friday morning.

There is already much speculation regarding the statement, with some seeing it as a move to further throw off Hamas and to begin pressuring the terrorist leaders, who will have differing interpretations of the statement’s meaning. Others believe the timing of the release of the statement was timed to coincide with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni’s planned trip to France on Thursday, where she will discuss the French call for a 48-hour break in the fighting for humanitarian aid to be brought into Gaza.

On the same note, Hamas stated the terror organization’s fighters will not surrender, promising “surprises” for IDF troops, and vowing to fight until “the last drop of blood”.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. This hesitancy and lack of focus looks like another Lebanon debacle to me.

    Hamas is sustained by the insight that Israel’s considerable military capabilities are unlikely to be matched by political will.

    It believes that whatever attacks come will be tempered by a host of humanitarian and diplomatic considerations. It believes that Israel wants to avoid a public relations debacle (so Hamas will do everything it can to engineer or fabricate one).

    It believes that the weight of international sympathy will be on its side. It believes, too, that the last thing Israel wants is to reoccupy Gaza, with all the costs and complications that entails.

  2. The Israelis just don’t know how to win a war. They are SO busy with what the world will say.
    So here are a few pointers to the so-called leaders of the “Medinaleh”
    1)The world will ALWAYS come out against you, no
    matter what you do or say.
    2)In a war, you kill as many people as you can,
    yes even civilians, and you do devestating
    damage till the enemy begs you to stop.
    3)NEVER offer “humanitarian aid” to the people.
    Let them pressure their leaders to stop.
    4)”Disporportionate force” is the only way to win.
    When both sides are equal, it’s impossible to
    Does anyone remember the war between Russia & Georgia? Georgia sent in troops to South Osettia.
    Russia responded with devestating force for days even after Georgia and the world asked them to stop.
    Was anyone counting how many civilians died?
    Did the Russians say “we have nothing against the Georgian civilians”?
    Did anyone condemn them for using “disporportionate force”?
    Did they send in “humanitarian aid”?
    One thing is for sure, the Georgians will never send in troops again.

  3. If they are saying the time for it maybe they should first speak with hamas and make sure the timing is good for them. friday may not not be so convienient. Oh and they should also let them know exactly at which points along the border they will enter. Maybe even give them arms to fight back……..
    why the hell are they talking??????? just do the job and forget what the world says. after its all done (with hashems help) the world will be happy and they will forget about it.
    anyone remember how long it took the world to shut up when eretz yisroel bomded iraq in 82?
    and what about when they did what had to be done in syria not to long ago?? the whole world forgot about it almost b4 the planes even got back to base

  4. We have a mesorah for how to deal with Esav.

    It’s on 613 Torah Avenue!
    Everybody keep doing the good things that you are doing…

    For those who keep forgetting… please consider the fact that there probably some members of “Beis Yaakov” in the territories, r”l. Ask someone from Yad L’achim, or other such organizations what I mean.

    HaShem Oz L’amo yiten, Hashem yevarech es Amo BaSholom. Don’t forget to have Kavana… whatever you are saying.

  5. Could somebody enlighten me why in the world Livni is going to France? Is there a good reason that she has to explain anything to the Frenchies?

    #4 –
    You really had me laughing. I agree whole heartedly with all you wrote, then I read your screen name. That was funny!

  6. If Israel actually has the guts to take over Gaza this time, (even though I doubt it because they say they don’t want to stay -so how can you get rid of the Hamas gov. and not stay there?) they should go back and take the West Bank also. There will be no peace even with the PLO because their leader just said he is suspending peace talks with Israel. We should stop fooling ourselves even until Moshiach comes there can be no peace with these Arabs, so go back to they way it was before Oslo -“Occupied territories”. Maybe we should even take Syria, Lebanon and Jordan which is also Palestine. We have gotten nothing but dead Jews and world hatred by pursuing peace with the Arabs. Just as a side point, remember Clinton’s promise that if Israel gave the Arabs the West Bank & Gaza, the world and the US will come to Israel’s defense if the “Palestinians” would attack Israel. Don’t you see how the world has defended Israel through all these missile and homocide bombers that we have had since we made “peace” with them?

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