Rocket Hits Sderot Home of Chabad Shaliach

12.jpg(PHOTO LINK BELOW) On Tuesday morning a rocket slammed into the Sderot home of Rav Chananya Pizam, the Chabad Shaliach to the southern city.

The rav and his family were not at home when the rocket hit. They were in Kfar Chabad although the rav explained he planned to be at home but plans changed, compelling him to travel to Kfar Chabad.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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  1. AP

    Palestinian protesters burn tires during clashes at a demonstration against Israel’s military operation in Gaza, in the West Bank town of Hebron, Sunday, Dec. 28, 2008. More than 280 Palestinians have been killed and more than 600 people wounded since Israel’s campaign to quash rocket barrages from Gaza began midday Saturday.

    Israel’s assault on Hamas militants in the Gaza Stip has spurred cries of support and protest in New York City, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made clear he stands behind the Jewish state’s offensive.
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    Israel’s strike in Gaza has both vocal supporters and strong opponents in New York, a city with strong political and cultural ties to the region.

    Mideast Conflict Resonates in NYC

    The Palestinian death toll topped 360 by Tuesday morning with most of the dead Hamas militants, the Israeli army said.

    Israeli jets continued to strike targets in Gaza, while about 40 rockets were fired into southern Israel from the Palestinian territory.

    At home, Mayor Bloomberg spoke Monday in support of Israel’s assault on Gaza.

    “New Yorkers certainly know what its like to be targeted by terrorists and the importance of fighting back. I really do want to strongly condemn repeated attacks on Israel and Hamas’ decision to break last summer’s cease fire,” he said.

    Pro-Israel groups organized a rally of support outside the Israeli consulate in Mindtown on Monday night and dropped leaflets calling on Hamas to adhere to a cease-fire. The group “Stand With Us” said “Hamas and its supporters bear sole responsibility for any harm to Gaza’s civilians.”

    Meanwhile, human rights organizations and pro-Arab groups around New York have decried the violence, saying Palestinian civilians – and not Hamas leaders and institutions – are suffering the most.

    The US-based anti-war organization, A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now To Stop War and End Terrorism) has organized demonstrations in several American cities Tuesday to protest the Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.

    Rallies in New York are planned outside of Rockefeller Center and the Israeli Consulate, the organization’s website said.

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