Belze Wedding Moved to Yerushalayim

belzn2.jpgAs a result of the rocket attacks in Ashdod, a wedding scheduled for Tuesday and a number of others planned for the coming days have been relocated to Yerushalayim. One of the weddings is in the family of Rav Avraham Klein, who heads the Kollelim Torah V’Avodas Hashem. His daughter is getting married on Wednesday to the son of Rav Nosson Herbst Z”TL, who was among the choshuva Belze chassidim.

The decision was made by Rav Klein as a direct result of instructions from the Belze Rebbe Shlita. The wedding was to have taken place the Keter Malchus Hall in Rova Gimmel in Ashdod, and instead, it will be held in Bet Rosen in Kiryat Belze.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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