Operation Cast Lead – Day 4 – Tuesday

300,000 students will remain at home today as a result of the IDF Homefront Command ordering schools in a 30km (18 miles) radius of northern Gaza to remain closed. After Defense Minister Ehud Barak declared a state-of-emergency, it empowered the Homefront Command to take the decision-making process away from local government.

Some 90 rockets struck Israel on Monday, killing three people. The IDF on Monday hit 100 targets in Hamas-controlled Gaza, striking 40 during the night (Monday to Tuesday) and the remainder during the daylight hours. On Monday, the navy became involved in the operation as well, striking out at terror targets.

PA sources report 50 killed on Monday, bringing the death toll to 350. The number of injured has climbed to 1,400.

About 20 border policemen were lightly injured in Arab violence inside Green Line Israel. 60 residents of Arab areas of eastern Jerusalem have been arrested for their part in anti-Israel violence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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