Katyusha Slams into Ashdod [UPDATED 10:05PM IL]

mdan1.jpg9:27PM IL: A Katyusha rocket landed in Ashdod moments ago, traveling 40km (24 miles) from Gaza, landing on HaNasi Street. There are reports of injuries.

9:31PM IL: It appears a second rocket is heading to Ashdod at this time. Two people were hit in the first strike, apparently they were waiting for a bus. According to a preliminary report from the scene, one is in serious condition from the 122mm Katyusha rocket.

9:37PM IL: Two people were injured in the Ashdod attack, reported in serious and critical condition according to preliminary reports.

10:05PM IL: The wounded in Ashdod are being transported to Kaplan Hospital in Rechovot, and not Barzilai in Ashkelon as was reported earlier. There is no hospital in Ashdod.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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