This time around, most did not believe that it would happen but Agudas Yisrael and Degel HaTorah once again submitted a combined list for the 18th Knesset.
A meeting was held in Maran Rav Elyashiv’s Shlita home and prior to signing the final agreement; Uri Maklev asked that the wording be presented to Rav Elyashiv for approval.
Trying to avoid future fighting an splits, it was decided both parties will have to agree on appointments for a senior post.
The lineup as follows:
Yaakov Litzman – Merkazit, Gur
Moshe Gafne – Degel
Meir Porush – Shlomei Emunim
Uri Maklev – Degel
Menachem Eliezer Moses – Merkazit
Yisrael Eichler – Belze
Menachem Carmel – Degel
Yaakov Guterman – Degel
Yaakov Yosef Lazerson – Merkazit
Rav Hadad – Bnei Torah Sephardi – Degel
Following the publication of the list, the following statement was released by the Bostoner Rebbe of Har Nof Shlita on Monday morning:
It is unacceptable that a person who got up and attacked Gedolei Yisrael, and in conversations supported a corrupt and non-frum candidate, is selected to head the list of Gimmel. This is without the rabbonim selecting him and without their decision on the matter. We must contemplate this and weigh future support.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
5 Responses
will someone knock heads together and enforce unity, please–with no sour grapes!
Just how are Degel, Merkazit, Shlomei Emunim, and the other members of Gimel (if any) different. In other words, if they were on separate tickets, why would someone vote for one over the other (other than because your rav told you to)?
Menachem Eliezer MoseS is Meuchedet (Vizhnitz) not Merkazit.
The above decision was made Rav Eliyashuv, Gerer Rebbe and the other Gedolim from Moetzes.
It is shame that after all the effort of Rav Eliashov in MAKING SHOLOM between Degel and Agudah, someone would want to ruin it.
Regardless of the extent of personal rivalries (if any, BTW, do the different sides send each other shlach manos? that’s a good idea whether they are really such rival?), the math is such that together they might get six seats, and separately neither will make the 2.5% miniumum.
They are all experienced at politics, and learned enough math to act appropriately.