Update on Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita

Eliyahu3.jpgRav Mordechai [ben mazel] Eliyahu Shlita remains in Shaare Zedek Hospital but contrary to what many believe, he does sit up in his chair and spend much time learning and davening on behalf of Am Yisrael.

On Chanukah, family members and close friends were with the Rav to experience a rare event, with Torah learning and singing. Participants stated it was a most uplifting experience for all.

Family members report on the Rav’s table is many kvitlach from people who have requested the Rav’s tefillos. While the Rav is weakened from his prolonged complicated medical condition, his mind is lucid and he is still Baruch Hashem davening on our behalf.

At 19:00 on Monday night, a special women’s night will be held in Bayit Vegan on to daven for the Rav’s total recovery. Among those expected to participate in noted Mekubal Rav Batzri Shlita.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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