Hamas: Shalit Injured in IAF Bombings

gilad3.jpgAccording to a report appearing on a Hamas website, Gilad Shalit was injured in one of the IAF bombing raids in Gaza. The website is quoted in the Egyptian media, stating “Zionist soldier Gilad Shalit” was injured by the IAF bombings.

Senior officials in Yerushalayim state they expected the psychological warfare, and as such, they informed Shalit’s parents to prepare themselves for such an eventuality.

Today, Monday, is Shalit’s 918th day in Hamas captivity and to date, no one has been permitted to see him to confirm his condition, not family members, not an Israeli or foreign representative or a representative of the International Red Cross.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. They will never say he died from his wounds.
    These animals would not be able to blackmail anybody anymore.
    I am afraid he is not among the living for a while now.

  2. I think the second the assault started they moved him to a “secure” location.

    Lets hope the IDF has a really good source inside Gaza and lets pray that he is still alive!

    We are coming for you brother!!!

  3. Too bad most of the izzys cant speak english well enough to use the media (derech ha’teva) to spread their end of the story.

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