Hizbullah Leader Blames Egypt & Jordan of Cooperating With Israel

nasralah1.jpgHizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah launched a scathing verbal attack on Jordan and Egypt in his address referring to the Arab countries that have “so-called peace agreements with the Zionists called Am Yisrael and are cooperating regarding the slaughter in Gaza”.

The terror leader, who earlier in the week promised “If Gaza burns northern Israel will burn” made his comments in an address on Hizbullah’s al-Manar Television.

Appearing unusually agitated, waving his arms, he called the IDF operation in Gaza a “crime against humanity”.

He attacked the leadership in Cairo for maintaining relations with Israel, referring to Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit an “Egyptian bastard”.

Nasrallah called on Jordanian and Egyptian citizens to take to the streets against their leaders and to “topple the collaborating regimes”.

He promised that just as he brought victory in the Second Lebanon War, he would do so again with Hamas.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Israel need better PR. The average John Doe in the USA does not know that hat rockets have been flying in to ISrael for the longest time.

  2. PR doesn’t really help much , Halocho Byodua sh’eisov Sone L’Yaakov. When you listen to 880 news radio , you will notice they keep on calling this operation ” Israel is RETALIATING for the rocket attacks ” . Everyone knows that this has nothing to do with Retaliation , it’s just plain and simple trying to stop the rocket attacks.

  3. So maybe this narsalla rosha will have his peeps start killing the jords and the gypts??? I think we would all like that better!

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