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Olmert Looking for a Way Out

olmert.jpgSpeaking to al-Arabia, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made a last appeal to Hamas, which according to some if a last effort to avoid an IDF operation in Gaza.

Olmert stressed that Israel will not permit Hamas to hurt the children of southern Israel, calling Hamas “the enemy of Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza”. He added that when Israel left Gaza three years ago, it was with the intention not to return.

The prime minister questioned if Islam sanctions the killing of innocent children, adding, “I’m talking to you as a father and a grandfather. I know there’s nothing I want less than putting my children and grandchildren in danger”.

Olmert reiterated that as prime minister, he has always sought peace and he continues to do so, stating the current situation cannot continue, calling on Hamas to bring a halt to the rocket attacks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Olmert-
    1-Unilateral disengagemnet from Gaza has been a collasel failure.
    2-Hezbollah continues stocking their rockets.
    3-Gilad shalit is still not home.
    4-Rocket attacks on southern Israel every day.
    5-Settlers removed from Chevron.
    6-Negotiation with Syria on givng up the Golan.
    7-Jerusalem on the table r”l.
    and on and on…

    Olmert has been the most ineffefctive and dangerous PM Israel has ever had. Barak is a close second.Livni is right behind.
    Olmert should be removed immediatly and replced with a real leader who will actually defend the country. A Pathetic loser.
    Sadly I do not beleive that Israel has such a leader and so we all watch as things go from bad to worse.So as always we turn to the heavens and pray.
    Klal Yisroel Daven!!!

  2. “Olmert looking for a way out”!? He’s been trying all the tricks available to him to stay in!!!! He should have left the scene long ago.

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